One of my paddle tail newts is missing a limb!


New member
Mar 22, 2010
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United States
So uhm...hi...I never had a newt anything aquatic before and I did some research and looked around at pet stores near me and I got two paddle tail newts. Yeah I know they can be aggressive and territorial toward each other but they were living peacefully in the tank at the pet store. So I got both of them and I have a 10 gallon tank and everything with gravel (it's large enough so they don't ingest it) and rocks to hide and all that jazz...however after putting my newts in one of them kind of hid and the other one was wandering around. When the one that was hiding came out it had a little nub on it's left front leg where it's leg was supposed to be. Prior to putting them in the tank(when it was in the pet store, in the bag, etc.) a leg was there. That same one also started to shed it's skin which kind of freaked me out until I realized what it was doing...haha. So I thought that the other one could have bitten it off somehow but, when they go near each other they don't act aggressive toward each other. And it just looks like a clean cut not like it was gnawed off or anything. Do limbs just fall off naturally? And do they grow back?....I kind of think it is funny and kinda cute in a sort of sick way when it is walking around and it's little nub is moving...hahaha....erm....yeah so I'm just concerned and stuff and I hope it is okay...So, any advice would be hot...thank you :D
You should separate them or move them to a bigger tank with more plants and hides. I think you can use Neosporin on the wound, and yes it will grow back. Paddle tails are aggressive, no matter what you see.
hi most amphibians like reptiles cn regenerate limbs if one is lost in an accident/danger circumstance and like reptiles the newts shall shed and sometimes eat it afterwards the shedding process is to repair damaged cells etc and is completely harmeless ,i agree some more hides for the newts to do their own thing,ive witnessed a few species of newt being territorial,sometimes when food is involved do your research on this sight for your required conditions for your newts,theres tonnes of info on here,and your newts deserve the best care ,good luck
mr cyclone :cool:
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