Old newt - stroke?


New member
Feb 14, 2015
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Vancouver, B.C.
Wondering if anyone has ever had experience with a newt having a possible stroke? My old newt suddenly flipped over onto his back at the bottom of my tank - took a nudge to get him righted again, but he can't seem to use his front arms properly, he is walking on his "elbows". He was having trouble getting up to the top of the tank at one point, so I have put him on his own in a shallow water setup with some plants. His colour seems faded and he is pretty limp (almost 'gushy') - didn't even flinch when I took him out of the water - I know he's probably at least 19-20 years old and it may be that he is dying...which would be very sad. Anyways, thought I would put this out there to see if anyone has experienced anything like this before? Thanks.
I can't give you any advice, sorry. But I'm really sorry to hear about this, I hope your newt gets better.
I think it would be best to let a herp vet look at him if you have one. The only things that spring to mind are a vitamin deficiency of some kind, or some kind of nerve problem.
If his diet has been good over the long term it could well be old age. Twenty odd years isn't really old for a captive Japanese newt, but there's no knowing how old he was when imported.
I hope he makes it too, I always like to see these survivors from the mass imports years ago.
Thanks for the thoughts Stuart.
Thanks for the feedback Chinadog - i'll see what i can do.
No luck finding a herp vet so far - found a listing for herp vets for Vancouver, but when I called they were either "not in service" numbers or they had never treated newts. My newt is still in a shallow water setup on his own, he barely moves but is still breathing and can lift his head up. I hate seeing him this way...
Found a herp vet recommended by my vet. Will be quite the adventure as it's quite a distance away, and hopefully doesn't stress the newts out too much. I'll be taking both my "old" newt and my small newt with the sore on his side as it doesn't seem to be healing. Hopefully I can get some help for both of them. The vet's bio:

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Good luck, going to a vet will give them the very best chance possible. I hope they make it. :)
Good luck, going to a vet will give them the very best chance possible. I hope they make it. :)

Thanks, I hope they make it too. They aren't eating, but the little newt is still quite active and feisty despite her 'sore'. My "big old" newt hasn't really moved in the past few days, except for lifting his head, so I'm not sure how he can be helped. If there is nothing that can be done for him at least he can be put to rest humanely. I'll be a wreck if that's what has to happen though.

I wasn't able to get an appointment until Saturday, but I'll update then.
Ok so after a trip to the vet, both newts came back with medications and a 'guarded prognosis'...so it's touch and go for both. The vet suspects the "big old" newt has metabolic bone disease, gave him a shot of vitamin D and a prescription for calcium glubonate to put in water to bathe him in. The wee newt with the wound is going to get the wound cleaned with iodine and will be given Baytril to try to heal her, but there is a chance that the wound may be too far gone and may affect her internal organs, so we'll have to see how it goes.
Sad news...my "big old" newt was developing bloat as of yesterday, and died overnight. RIP big guy :(

So sorry to hear that. At least you can feel happy that he out lived most fire bellies sold in petstores at the same time as him. Out lived them by about twenty years I'd say.
Thanks Chinadog, he was a great newt, lots of personality and will be missed.
I'm so sorry he did not make it. :(

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I'm very sorry about your loss. I almost cried For you! How is your other Newt doing? I hope all is well! I would be devastated if I lost one of my non fur babies. With that said, my heart goes out to you :):angel:
Thanks Tori.

My other newt is doing much better - her wound is getting smaller and starting to heal so i'm hoping for the best!!
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