Paris, sorry for the delayed response. Glad to have you in the oh-so-small Hynobius-enthusiast club!
Sure, I'll try and be of help, though when it comes to breeding matters and even setups and things, Henk is "the man" to consult with. What I can offer you is mainly glimpses of their natural habitats and info from Japanese-language sources. Other than 1 Onychodactylus japonicus adult (and 1 semi-adult), I actually keep no hynobiid adults and have never raised any to adulthood or bred any, having just started with them last year and having raised all mine from egg sacs.
I currently have over 40+ H.nebulosus morphs and around 20 juvies, 10 H.tokyoensis larvae and 20 juvies, 8 H.dunni semi-adults, 1 H.retardatus semi-adult, 5 H. lichenatus juvies and 6 larvae, 1 H.takedai juvies, and 1 H.nigrescens larvae. With the exception of O.j, I won't be trying to raise lotic-breeding species anymore. All the others I have are lentic breeders.
I see you've already acquired H.tokyoensis, but I regret to inform you that they're among the least interesting hynobiids for keeping in my opinion, mainly because they're so secretive and paranoid. H.nebulosus is my favorite, followed by H.dunni and H.retardatus -- mainly based on ease of feeding, which inevitably impacts on the degree to which I bond with them
H. lichenatus and H. takedai remind me of H.tokyoensis in their shy ways, though they're not nearly as skittish.
You also have H.nigrescens, I see. I don't have any experience with them other than raising the single larvae. I do have some pics of H.nigrescens egg sacs and larvae from a recent trip I took up north, and will try to post them soon.
(Message edited by TJ on June 24, 2004)