Oh shoot!! What do I do? Firebelly leg injury


New member
Sep 6, 2009
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United States
I'm in a panic right now, the smallest of my 3 Firebellies just got seriously injured during a feeding fight. One of the big guys grabbed his right front leg and deathrolled, shredding the skin and possibly shattering the bone. He almost looks like he's trying to put weight on it, but it looks very limp. He was probably deathrolled 6 or 7 times before I broke it up (I had to jam the blunt end of a paper clip in the big Newt's mouth to free the little guy) so it looks pretty bad. Surprisingly, he is still eating, and even showing the usual minor food aggression to the other Newts. What should I do? I'd like to divide the tank and separate him from the other guys so he doesn't get bullied, and hopefully his leg recovers :(
This is very common, although actual injuries are rare in Cynops orientalis. Are you positive they are C.orientalis?
Anyway, if the newt is acting normal, it´s because this situations are common and for the most part, not important at all. As long as the arm doesn´t get infected it will heal soon, and eventually be as good as new.
Yep, Orientalis. And I'm pretty sure it is broken, it's almost fully straightened out and seems to have no movement. You think I should separate them?

I'm glad you think he'll be okay, my Newts are my little buddies haha:D
Edit: Whew, it might not be as bad as I think. I put him down to see if he could walk, and he managed to walk quite normally, but still a little labored. The actual cut is pretty deep, so I think I'm still gonna separate him.
I´ve observed after such violent encounters, that the attacked one usually keeps the arm straightened, and close to the body. This usually goes away after a while, once the newt has recovered. If there is a wound, then it will take longer to heal, obviously, but as i said, as long as there is no infection, there is no problem.
Try to upload a picture if possible, so that we can see the severity of the injury. A minor wound shouldn´t even require isolation.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to separate, just based on the remote possibility that the injured leg could be bitten and have more damage inflicted.
Update. Leg wasn't broken, and the gash was closed up by the end of the night :happy:
The Newts are in a cooler right now. Against my and my parents' wishes, the painter painted the door frame in my room... sigh... so the Newts and Snake are in coolers :mad:
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