One of my nvv newts has been swimming around pretty frantically the last few days. He (she) swims very fast along the sides of the tank and it looks like he's trying to find a way out of the water. But, in my tank I have a rock which is partially above water to crawl out on (I haven't noticed either newt doing that) and also a floating lily pad for basking/relaxing. (Never saw that used either.) I don't want my newt stressing over trying to find "land" when there is some available. They're almost always in the water so I haven't put more rocks or land areas in the tank. I thought about the floating turtle dock but it takes up alot of room (I only have a 10 gal tank) and they look pretty cheap. I also heard some negative reviews about them. Has this swimming frenzy been observed by anyone else? What should be done?