Notopthalmus Viridescens


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May 7, 2007
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WHOO HOO!!! I got my newts in!! Can someone clarify how THAT name is supposed to be said exactly? I had been saying "Nopt Thal muss" but that was because I had the spelling wrong in my head.

I wanted to introduce them and hear back from others who have kept them. Two of them seem to be quite water shy. They've spent the last 24 hours on the moss. The others have been swimming and eating if their poop is an indicator.

I think I'm going to run out of room to post pics and have 2 more to go - so the next post will show the last individual.


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Last two pics!
The last two newts were REALLY skittish. It was hard as heck to get pics of them.


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Hey Sharon! Congrats- I love Notos. I've been pronouncing it as "Noto-ph-thalmus", but I could be totally wrong.

From the photos you've posted so far, they all appear to be male-(although I'm awful at sexing newts, so maybe don't take my opinion as gospel truth).

They should all become fairly aquatic pretty soon, and when they do, I've found that they become really outgoing and personable. What are you feeding them? I know mine love bloodworms and pieces of earthworm; I've also heard that they enjoy blackworms (hint, hint- at your other thread;)).

Good Luck with them!
Hey Nathan!!

There were supposed to be here Friday when I had plenty of time on my hands to play with them. But instead I wound up needing to get up early Saturday morning and getting them before the PO opened via buzzer.

So I wound up rushing home, throwing a temporary quarantine tub together - I had everything sitting out, but not together because despite looking at all the pics and reading the care page I was unsure of HOW to put it together for them to access everything and be safe, and because I'm anal.

But yesterday I tossed two frozen bloodworm cubes in and hauled butt to Tucson to pick up my son. Then decided to stop by the sad little petshop and browse - just cause I could - and for a change they actually had blackworms in!! So this morning I siphoned off all the poop and bloodworms added fresh water and live black worms.

What should I do for the two who seem to be reluctant to get into the water? I'm going into town later to get a larger tub and earthworms and a cutting board and cheap knife just for the newts. If hubby finds out I've been using the good kitchen knife and countertop to hack up worms - I think it may just be to much for him to handle!!
What should I do for the two who seem to be reluctant to get into the water? I'm going into town later to get a larger tub and earthworms and a cutting board and cheap knife just for the newts. If hubby finds out I've been using the good kitchen knife and countertop to hack up worms - I think it may just be to much for him to handle!!

Well, this species in particular seems a bit reluctant to feed on land, but I think your best bet would be to try to feed tiny pieces of worm or bloodworms from forceps. The one thing I've noticed about this species is because they have such small mouths, they have a hard time eating some food items- it takes me forever to feed pieces night crawler sometimes, just because the worms are too fat!
I've got a quite black banana in the kitchen - a couple more days and I'm sure it'll start producing fruitflies. Should I put a shelf in their tank and put the banana on it?
I've got a quite black banana in the kitchen - a couple more days and I'm sure it'll start producing fruitflies. Should I put a shelf in their tank and put the banana on it?

You could try it- although I think the flightless variety may work better.
<<< snicker >>> << giggle >> BAWAHAHAHAHA I can't get live blackworms down here and you think I can find a genetically enhanced bug. OMG so funny.

ROTFL, um maybe when I go back up to Tucson next friday or saturday I'll check the petshops!!

<<< snicker >>> << giggle >> BAWAHAHAHAHA I can't get live blackworms down here and you think I can find a genetically enhanced bug. OMG so funny.

Well, gee, you didn't need to go and tease me- I was just letting you know, that's all. They are available online you know.
I think I'll try them on blackworms and a dish first - see what happens. Lately my stupid petshop is selling these TINY fricken crickets too. Not quite pinheads but almost! So there is another option.

You're right - online ordering is an option. But next time in chat I'll tell you about fun in dealing with the PO. lol.

Yeah - they're nothing like the first one I pulled out of the containers. LOL that fat one is kinda puppy like when it comes to food!!

The last two have been hiding in/under the moss and avoiding the water, but when I went in there about an hour a ago, 3 were in the water hunting, one was a level down on a rock and one was in the moss. So maybe they're making progress!

P.s. hubby used the black banana for his fav birds, the bugger.
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