For a species that's supposed to like the water a lot as adults, mine sure like their island as well.
I obtained 5 notophthalmus v.v. last week. Imported from the US (to the Netherlands). Of the 5 animals 3 instantly took to the water, the other two have been hiding out under a piece of bark since. Of the aquatic ones two do like to regularly climb onto the island, take a look around.. and then jump back into the water.
All of this I assume is normal behaviour as the animals do not appear stressed, rather the opposite. They don't even consider me a threat worthy of a dive (the camera however does qualify).
They have a decent size aquatic part (50x30x12 cm) with plenty of water plants. I've been feeding them red mosquito larvae (alive), water fleas and fruit flies. Any suggestions on how to make them happier are welcome. They seem to be in good health.
Ester van Strien
I obtained 5 notophthalmus v.v. last week. Imported from the US (to the Netherlands). Of the 5 animals 3 instantly took to the water, the other two have been hiding out under a piece of bark since. Of the aquatic ones two do like to regularly climb onto the island, take a look around.. and then jump back into the water.
All of this I assume is normal behaviour as the animals do not appear stressed, rather the opposite. They don't even consider me a threat worthy of a dive (the camera however does qualify).
They have a decent size aquatic part (50x30x12 cm) with plenty of water plants. I've been feeding them red mosquito larvae (alive), water fleas and fruit flies. Any suggestions on how to make them happier are welcome. They seem to be in good health.
Ester van Strien