either way, he needs to see a vet. wether it be ammonia burn or septicemia, both are serious illnesses that can and will cause death in axolotls.
* apologies for the terrible organization and formatting, i wrote this as quickly as i could
two options
this seems to be
1) a nasty case of ammonia burn (not to say there are good cases of ammonia burn, but i digress)
a few questions and a bit of advice related to that;
- what are you using to test your water?
- please list your parameters as well

- i would tub with cold, dechlorinated water, and change it 100% every day.
- he also sounds like he may have a fungal infection going on, which is also unfortunate - to both soothe the burned skin and treat the fungus, i recommend tea baths or IAL as treatment.
now to the more grim side of things.
2. its entirely possible this is a case of septicemia. i’m not a veterinarian by any means but i equally suspect septicemia and ammonia burn. it’s anyone’s guess as to which it might be, but considering you said your parameters were all fine, i fear septicemia and thought i’d give my advice;
- veterinarian, immediately. if it’s septicemia, there is no “at home” or “do it yourself” treatment. he needs professional treatment with antibiotics and possibly steroids.
and lastly, a final word of advice, more of an emotional kind
- prepare your son for the worst. either way, there is a chance this animal is going to die. even with immediate vet attention, there isn’t a lot of hope for septicemia.
however, this does not mean the animal is not entitled to treatment. let your son know, please. don’t pull the “they swam away” thing- its damaging to the child in the long run when they find out you lied to them (not saying you’d do this, but thought i’d make the point)
do not blame yourself. sometimes things happen, and animals get sick. unless you’ve neglected or intentionally harmed the animal, (which i dont believe you have, as you wouldn’t have posted if you didn’t care for the animals well-being) you are not to blame at all.
once again, apologies for the rambling and unorganized format,
i sincerely hope your little one gets better and beats whatever this may be
sent with love,