Question: Not Interested ???


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Dec 4, 2009
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Well one of my male axolotls has been laying spermaphores for the second time within a month but has not been interested in the female hes acting like usual. is this normal to just lay the spermaphores and go about like his usual self, they all still have caps on the top except for one
It seems he is interested in the female if he is producing spermaphores. What kind of changes were you looking for? Buying roses and candies, taking her out to expensive dinners?
It seems he is interested in the female if he is producing spermaphores. What kind of changes were you looking for? Buying roses and candies, taking her out to expensive dinners?

Shizeric~ this might be your greatest post ever. : )

Regarding the question about being interested in the female...

Peanut, my male, does not seem all that interested in my female, but they consistently produce eggs every month. To be honest, I have only seen one spermataphore in the tank, and yet they have been producing eggs for months.

If your male is producing spermataphores, it sounds like he is holding up his end of the deal.
Well I haven´t seen eggs yet so I'm guessing she might not be interested
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What does he do for a living?

Does he still live with his parents?
Okay, so now you are reducing your adorable pets to "scrubs" and "gold diggers." You guys are sick! :dizzy:

In my opinion, he's just acting like a guy who is just out for one thing and maybe, she's just not that kind of girl!! :angel:
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Now now, folks, let's try and stay constructive. I suggest playing some Barry White.

Aaron, everything I have read, heard, and experienced indicates that the males are often much readier to breed than the females, and that the final decision lies with the lady. If she does not accept, nothing happens. In addition, although my axolotls have had many, many clutches, I have never witnessed the "push and shove" axolotls are reported to perform. The real indicator is whether or not you get eggs, and if they are to come, they will come witin 24 hours, so there isn't much wait involved.

Good luck to you (and your little Romeo).

Thanks for your responses I woke agian this morning and both males are at it agian and this they are trying to get the females attention but I think it mite be failing
is it normal for the axolotl to try and nudge the female around and not be any Spermatophores cause when i left the house tis morning i didn't see any but they were both pushing the female around and cloaca's were swollen, but if the female picked them up wouldn't their be still the jelly cone left
You may not notice the jelly cone. I actually did notice the cone missing its top then the next morning Ta-da!! Eggworld!.

My male dropped spermatophores for a good few months before my female picked up. Then she layed twice in 4 weeks.

How old is your female?

I'm not to sure but I have had her six months she was around 9-12 months when I got her from the pet store so I'm guessing she's between 1-2 years old
She could be slightly too young, Fred didn't pick up til she was 14 months, but Florence still hasn't picked up at 16 months.

Fin was dropping his stuff at about 12 months.

He went absoultely frantic just before she picked up , he had dropped about 10 spermatophores and was looking annoyed and bright red!
Thankfully he's chilled back out now!

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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1