I have found that since turning down my air bubbler(causing to much current) my axie is swimming to the top of her tank and doing what looks like gulping air, does this mean she doesnt have enough oxygen in her tank? And is safe for her to do that?
There is nothing wrong with your axolotl gulping air at the surface...that´s what it has lungs for. It probably always did it, but it happened with less frequency while the airstone was one.
It´s difficult to recommend plants for axolotls because they are destructive forces of doom.
You may have luck using tough plants like java moss and java fern (Microsorum). Elodea may work, even if it gets damaged by the axolotl.
Java moss, wisterias, java ferns, najas grass, all good stuff, can't kill it.
I've had trouble with Elodeas, they're good for fish but not caudates in my experience.
If you need najas grass I'm about to post an ad for it, got a huge ball of it that has to go.
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