Question: Normal behaviour of baby axies?


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Oct 11, 2009
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Jess :)
I have got my first batch of baby axies that I am having to look after, they are currently from ages 1 day old to 6 days old, what is the normal behaviour for baby axies? I have some floating upside down on the top ofthe water but if I go to touch them they swim off, Is this normal or are they going to die? Not all of them are like this. I have had trouble hatching shrimp andhave just put another batch in, this time heated and also bought some shrimp food. I crushed up some axolotl pellets with thehope they might like this in the meantime?

I have frozen brine shrimp inthe freezer if they will eat this?
At this age they should just sit there with the occasional 'hop'. The ones you see upside down more than likely have an air bubble in their stomach, to remedy this just make sure they stay constantly fed.

As for feeding if you have frozen baby brine shrimp or even frozen daphnia they will eat it but it will take an air stone to get them to recognise it as food. Axolotls this young rely on movement to notice food. You'll want to set the air stone flow so low that it just BARELY makes the food move, too much movement and it will stress out the larvae.
Thank u for ur quck reply, this makes a lot of sense and it does actually look as tho they have a bubble I will try them on the frozen food till these shrimp hatch. fingers crossed they survive, or atleast a couple do. I have currently got 35 of th e little terrors ;)
Oh wow, I wish I had known about the airstone trick when our axolotls had babies. I never want to make or even see another brine shrimp hatchery again :D.
The air stone worked well. I watched when I pu the frozen shrimp in the tank and they soon grabbed onto them. But I am still having trouble with a lot of them having air bubbles in their stomachs?
When I was raising my babies, quite a few of them had air bubbles at any given time. It can be a little worrisome but, as greatwtehunter said, if you keep them fed then the problem should remedy itself. We tried to pay special attention to the ones that were floating, using an eye dropper to move food in front of their faces, but I'm really not sure whether it made a difference. It took a while for all of ours to stop floating upside down (one of the little guys still floated occasionally after getting his front legs), so if they're going for the frozen shrimp then they will probably be fine.

Good luck!
salty water in your brine shrimp hatchery makes it work better just give them rinse before use . these hatcheries are a nightmare.
Me and my other half had same experience with hatcheries. He constructed this incredible shrimp setup with heating. The issue turned up to be the EGGS.... after advice from madFrankie, we chose the brand called Aqua Pics and it worked fine.

Now we have 50 amazing golden & white leucistic monsters big enough to leave home...

We would have never made it if now for Caudata.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1