Can anyone recommend a method other than live plants to remove nitrates from the tank? I've ordered frogbit, wisteria and have some duckweed and java fern in there already. Trouble is my tap water is quite high in nitrates. My fish have been doing ok for years in the same water, although they do have many live plants in their tank so that helps, but am a bit worried that my new axies might be a little more delicate. I've read about a product called De*nitrate which goes in the filter, does anyone have any experience of using this?
Can anyone recommend a method other than live plants to remove nitrates from the tank? I've ordered frogbit, wisteria and have some duckweed and java fern in there already. Trouble is my tap water is quite high in nitrates. My fish have been doing ok for years in the same water, although they do have many live plants in their tank so that helps, but am a bit worried that my new axies might be a little more delicate. I've read about a product called De*nitrate which goes in the filter, does anyone have any experience of using this?