


I mainly come here for the axolotl forum, but i've been checking out some of the threads and info on Newts and they look like an awesome pet. What would i need to keep one? Are they even available in Australia? Where would i be able to buy one? Any info would be very much appreciated
You would need a tank, some gravel, some live or fake plants, and mabye a water filter. I have know idea how to get them in Australia. Go into a big city and go to a pet shop. Hell, ask the crocadile hunter steve irwin. JK. LOL.
It depends what species you are going to keep. What do you have in mind? Check out Caudata's care/info sheets.
I think that newts are restriced in OZ.. and this is why you only have axies.. someone correct me if im wrong.. but i dont think you have any other that suggled ones.
Aww. What about gecko's? I recall an Australian visitor to this site posting a picture of a gecko they found in their backyard so i presume they're native to Australia or are available here.
Gecko's are native to OZ, not sure which breeds though.. Gecko's though are not newts
A Classic example of Man's selfish intentions betraying itself. You can't blame the Cane Toads- it was the Australian Government that introduced them to a foreign land. I feel sorry for you Aussie herpers- there are lots of fantastic herps outside of Australia that you aren't allowed to experience first-hand because your Government "overreacted" to the Cane Toad epidemic.
...well ...they sort of do have newts and sals there, you just have to know whos got them. there was a time when 2 (provinces?)did import them. so if you can find and contact the people from that time who got them and bred them then you can get access-now im not sure if its legal cause of a grandfather clause or not though- but i know once upon a time there was one breeder there that had albino smooth newts or tarichas (i cant remember which)--so the question is how to reach those people...and i havent got an answer for that...sorry, go fish.....
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