We've had our newts for a week now, and though the pet store claims they're japanese, they really seem to look like chinese fire bellies. Anyway, our newts seem to like it more on land than off...which concerns me, and we've tried frozen and live bloodworms without any success. We used just tap water for the tank, but used dechlorination drops (we live in a rural area where tap water isn't as bad as you think). We also have two aquatic african dwarf frogs in the tank who are quite happy and loving the live blood worms. In the past couple of days the larger newt (while skin is moist) is looking like he has some sort of white deposit on his head? After reading up on this it sounds similar to a 'stress sore' and we're going to try the quarantine method for both of our newts (thanks for whoever posted that link). Any tips?
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