My 2 eastern newts have very hearty appetites....they eat every day (usually bloodworms). I've read that they should be fed 2 or 3 times a week. I definitely don't force the newts to eat, but when I put their food in their feeding dish, they go crazy, like they haven't been fed in a long time. I feel bad holding off and only feeding them a few times a week if they are indeed hungry. Am I doing them a disservice? Will newts just eat even if they aren't hungry? Or should I keep feeding them as long as they are eating?
PS- I am trying to reduce their portions b/c one newt is getting chunky and wedged himself behind the filter and needed to be helped out.
PS- I am trying to reduce their portions b/c one newt is getting chunky and wedged himself behind the filter and needed to be helped out.