newts are moving up in life


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Feb 28, 2009
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United States
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Well, my uncle had this 37 gallon aquarium they don't use any more, so I asked if I could have it, he said yes, so in the long process of getting it ready(cleaning it), I thought to myself "I should put my cynops in here''. So I got it all ready, took them out of their 10 gallon set up and put them in there. I went to the pet store the next day and they got 7 fire bellied newts, I had to have them, so now I have 11, and two frogs in the same tank. Now I know the ones I had before would eat bloodworms, is there any other kind of food source I could feed to them?
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Bloodworms as a staple are not complete. The very best you can offer are earthworms. Small slugs, isopods, daphnia, pellets, etc are other good options.
You should have cycled the new tank....specially if you already had another tnak and therefore the newts were in no hurry to be changed. It´s unlikely you´ll have problems in such a big volume of water, but still...cycling is the first thing one has to do.

I´m a little sad you bought 7 extra Cynops from a a few days they´ll be replaced with more WC animals...
Which reminds me that you shouldn´t have mixed the ones you already had with the new ones. New animals, VERY specially if WC, do need to be quarantined. From the new 7 newts, it´s likely that some will fall ill...and it can be spread to others...

Frogs? Which species? I don´t know if you´ve heard about the risks of mixing might want to take a look at this link:
There are many reasons why mixing is a bad choice, depending on which particular species you mixed it may range from risky to an absolut catastrophy.
Actually, they were all cb, and yes I did not put them in right away, I waited about 5 days until I put them into the rest.
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Cynops from a pet-shop? I seriously doubt they were CB...
And 5 days is no quarantine....a decent quarantine should be at least a month...and some people would recomend even longer.
Indeed, pet shops do not sell CB newts. If they told you so, they are probably just saying this to help sell them.

There are many possible foods. I agree that earthworms are about the best. See:

You should think about moving the frogs to a separate setup.
I would quarantine for at least a month, if not three months. In my fish days I usually found most issues before week 9-10. So even though I am new to caudates I would probably quarantine for 2-3 months.
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No, I know they were cb because I am related to the guy who owns it, he has 10 fbn at home and I saw the eggs.
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I would suggest to keep the frogs and newts seperate. Be careful with too many newts in one tank, feeding will be harder and make a bigger mess. Eleven fire belly newts is kind of pushing it, even though it's a 37 gallon, I'm sure you're not using the entire 37 gallons.
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no i know they were cb because i am related to the guy who owns it, he has 10 fbn at home and i saw the eggs
Ah, good. That's about the only circumstance in which I'd believe they were CB. Are they taking to the water yet, or mostly staying on land?
If they are CB i expect they are juveniles(otherwise your uncle is a very patient and selfless man), which means they are come are you keeping them on an aquatic set-up?
Could you give us more information on the newts? like size, age...
they are about 8 months now
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