I've owned two Firebelly newts (the bumpier variaty) for somewhere around 6 months if not more, Newton and Darwin.
Both were twig thin when i got them being fed fish food in a the plant holding free for all tank (with goldfish, guppies, and some other rather large bumpy brownish red salamander species) in a small pet store.
I realize i made the mistake of bringing them home and putting them in my 72 gallon tank (@ 72 degrees F) with my platties with a small turtle dock for them to bask on. they both stayed rather think ocassionally hiding in a black PVC pipe elbow i put for them in the bottom of the tank and i only ever saw Darwin eat. Eventually i did some research, much of it on this website and got them their own 10 gallon tank with a repto filter rocks and fake plants and some floaty real ones and some ghost shrimp to clean up after them started mixing in some frozen blood worms to the diet and Darwin is now triple the size he used to be and a fatty lol.
Fast forward... mom got me turtles, i put newts back in the big tank... i gave turtles backs after a week realizing i don't really want them (no time/moving soon.)
now newts are back in 10 gallon after a good cleaning Darwin is still chunky, and exploring and active and Newton is weak, thinner than ever i can see his hip bones and ribby things and even some shoulder bones, i've tried pellets, live fry, frozen blood worms and bloodworms with tweezers, fish food, and those freeze dried worm cubes oh and small crickets(all of which drowned)...
he's completely hydrophobic and will let himself dry up completely if i don't keep him some where super humid. i soak him in blood worm juice every so often hoping he gets some nutrients from it. but i have no idea if it helps...
the water is somewhere between 62 and 68 degrees being winter now (room temperature @my house) and they haven't been in water warmer than 72 ever since i've owned them.
What do i do?!?! it's been months and they are settled so it is unlikely he is stressed from being 'new' since Darwin is doing great.
thanks for the help in advance
he must be getting nutrition somewhere because he's still alive after 6 months but it obviously isn't much
Both were twig thin when i got them being fed fish food in a the plant holding free for all tank (with goldfish, guppies, and some other rather large bumpy brownish red salamander species) in a small pet store.
I realize i made the mistake of bringing them home and putting them in my 72 gallon tank (@ 72 degrees F) with my platties with a small turtle dock for them to bask on. they both stayed rather think ocassionally hiding in a black PVC pipe elbow i put for them in the bottom of the tank and i only ever saw Darwin eat. Eventually i did some research, much of it on this website and got them their own 10 gallon tank with a repto filter rocks and fake plants and some floaty real ones and some ghost shrimp to clean up after them started mixing in some frozen blood worms to the diet and Darwin is now triple the size he used to be and a fatty lol.
Fast forward... mom got me turtles, i put newts back in the big tank... i gave turtles backs after a week realizing i don't really want them (no time/moving soon.)
now newts are back in 10 gallon after a good cleaning Darwin is still chunky, and exploring and active and Newton is weak, thinner than ever i can see his hip bones and ribby things and even some shoulder bones, i've tried pellets, live fry, frozen blood worms and bloodworms with tweezers, fish food, and those freeze dried worm cubes oh and small crickets(all of which drowned)...
he's completely hydrophobic and will let himself dry up completely if i don't keep him some where super humid. i soak him in blood worm juice every so often hoping he gets some nutrients from it. but i have no idea if it helps...
the water is somewhere between 62 and 68 degrees being winter now (room temperature @my house) and they haven't been in water warmer than 72 ever since i've owned them.
What do i do?!?! it's been months and they are settled so it is unlikely he is stressed from being 'new' since Darwin is doing great.
thanks for the help in advance
he must be getting nutrition somewhere because he's still alive after 6 months but it obviously isn't much