I have 2 chinese firebellys. I shut off there standing filter at night cause I cant sleep with it on. One morning I turned on there light and filter and couldnt find the newt named Stash. I looked all over and finally found him in the filter. He must have crawled into it and was probably stuck there all night. He must have rissen with the water level in the filter. It has been a couple of weeks now but he doesnt go into the water too much anymore. He just stays on the land in the moss. I have to put him in the water to feed him live bloodworms. And even then, it take him awhile to go fully under the water. He doesnt seem to want to get his head wet. He has been eating fine and so has his friend Cavern. I'm just wondering if there is anything to do to get him to go into the water again? He used to only come on the land at night and in the morning him and Cavern would swim all over and stuff and come to the glass to see me. Do u think if i changed their enviroment around it might help him forget what happened?
(Message edited by Nuggular on December 02, 2004)
(Message edited by Nuggular on December 02, 2004)