My spot tailed newt has a cut on his arm, I've only had one injury with him before and it healed ok without intervention, but he is being very subdued (which isn't like him) and the wound is bleeding a little.
I've bought him out of the tank and he is sitting next to me in a box with some water.
I tried some salt and water on the wound but I'm not very good with that so I used some very weak hibiscrub (the stuff vets use, I use it on my horses and dogs).
Is there anything else I should do for him? Anything I should watch out for?
I've just walked past my tank and noticed my paddletail was in the same side (one tank split in half) so there has obviously been some aggression between them.
I've bought him out of the tank and he is sitting next to me in a box with some water.
I tried some salt and water on the wound but I'm not very good with that so I used some very weak hibiscrub (the stuff vets use, I use it on my horses and dogs).
Is there anything else I should do for him? Anything I should watch out for?
I've just walked past my tank and noticed my paddletail was in the same side (one tank split in half) so there has obviously been some aggression between them.