Critter Mom
New member
I have 3 C. Orientalis, and 1 is a very good eater, seeming to eat almost anything not nailed down or plant matter..and she has accidentally eaten a plant upon occasion, and one of the others is a hit or miss kind of eater, but when he does eat, he eats well, but the third one worries me a bit. This one is really picky, and seems ONLY to eat thawed bloodworms with powdered calcium with D3. I have been rotating their food items so he has only eaten once in a week...maybe two! He is thin but not to the point the hip bones show, but the others are quite stout in comparison and they shed more often. When the picky eater eats it is usually not as much as the others, but sometimes I get surprised.
Should I be worried?
How long can they go without eating anything?
Should I be worried?
How long can they go without eating anything?
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