Move them to where there is an island, if possible. Do they have an island in the tank to get out on? Did you just introduce them to this tank? Did you just do a water change? It would really help to know the circumstances.
Are they trying to get out of the water, or swimming toward the corner underneath the water?
Sometimes newts will frantically swim along the glass, trying to reach land. I've found that providing little bits of plant (I use silk) at the edges of the tank against the glass (at least one on all 4 sides) will stop this frantic swimming. Another reason could be poor water quality.
If they're swimming under the water into the corner, they're just trying to reach the other end of the pond, which seems to be blocked by glass . How big is your tank?
If you´re talking about the tank in your photo album, i´d say there´s no way that´s 30gallons....
It´s VERY inadecuate too....i´m sure the problem is caused by a terrible water quality. It´s almost impossible to maintain water quality in a set-up like that.
A piece of advice...increase the water volume A LOT.
PS: How many newts do you have? I think i recall reading you had 11 or something like that....keeping 11 newts in your set-up is plain cruel.
Azhael, not to sound mean or anything but maybe you should ask instead of just posting your opinions, i moved them into a different tank, they are all quite happy.
Since this thread shows that you most probably have a water quality issue, and the picture on your album had "water quality issues" written on it, i thought it was safe to assume.
But your are right.
I´m glad to hear they are not in those conditons anymore. However you still seem to have problems which means they are not that happy...and you need to sort that out. Posting an updated pic of their set-up would help.
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