Newt and Salamander Art?


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Jun 25, 2008
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Northern Wisconsin
United States
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I wonder how many people draw pictures of newts and sals or anything else for that matter. I draw occasionally. I think I am a OK artist but not that great. Anyways I have some pics of my art in my album. If you draw in your spare time post it!
I have done paintings of sals, etc. in the past. I've done:

Ambystoma jeffersonianum
Plethodon caddoensis
Aneides aeneus
Dendrobates azureus

Been thinking about doing some more. I'm a semi-professional artist. I say semi because even though I show and sell my art I still have a day job from which I earn 95% of my living. My caudate paintings are not my best work. Many were done when I was much younger and/or relearning how to paint. I could probably do a much better job if I were to try again.

Don't know how well these links will work but here goes:

The P. caddoensis was destroyed before I bothered to take pictures of it.
Thanks, one of these days I'll do some more. It would be especially good since I'm not keeping any caudates anymore that I could just paint the ones I want instead of getting the real thing, lol.
I don't have any caudate art scanned up but since we seem to have a few very talented illustrators I wonder if anyone would be willing to critique this color pencil.

Vermillion Rockfish(Sebastes miniatus). Color washed a bit by the flash. This was my first serious attempt at color penciling something and although I did make a few mistakes it is tempting to buy a set of more expensive pencils to play with. Maybe over break during a time when school is not so overwhelming haha.

And a rattler from a good while back. Never finished
Here's my first attempted sketch of an axolotl. It was drawn for Blaze; this is her "Sunny".


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that's really beautiful, nice done!!! I hope some of my own drawnings to post very soon...
This was SUPPOSED to be a salamander, but by the time I was done it had turned into something completely different. O.O

I still like it though. ^.^

Loving the art posted in this thread btw. I hope to see more!


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Hi folks,
for those who like art here is the promise that soon I will post a picture of a newt or salamander molded clay! :cool: Would anyone have suggestions as to the species? Well I have not decided which I will cast! :confused:
fish keeper: I like the sebastes and the rattlesnake. I like the technique you have used to draw the scales on the snake.

The Sebastes could use a few darker areas to give it depth around the fins and gills, other than that, it seems a very accurate representation.

Colored pencils can be tricky because they don't always cover white paper very effectively... especially if it is regular copy paper. With art supplies, the more expensive one's are genreally higher quality and easier to work with. Good color pencils are worth the money, they are softer and have better pigments that blend better.
bewilderbeast: Thanks much for the critique! You are right some darkening would definetly help. What brand of colorpencils would you reccomend(Berol Prismacolors seem to be popular)? I recently acquired a few of the Berol Verithin(sketch pencils and much cheaper) to play with and they do lay down nice color...although not noticeably more vivid than the pencils used for the above drawing. Then again, I am a bit colorblind to red/green.

On the rattler(which was done a few years ago) I'm guessing most people who do fish/reptiles do something similar? Draw crosshatch lines matching those made by the scales and then go back and do detail work.

Necturuslindsay: That sketch is pretty neat. could use a caption like "give me a worm...or else."

Lets see more art!
Just finished this one up for a silent auction fundraiser.


In progress.



and shipping out.


This one took about I believe 5-6 hours total. Rushed a bit at the end to try to get it all finished up but I poured a ton of effort particularly into the colors and starburst patterning on the shell.
I don't draw them but I sculpt them and their kin. This isn't a Caudate but a Nectridian i'm working on a maquette for right now.


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Very cool, stablefly! I do a little sculpting too..but nothing that small! My heart is more in drawing and painting, though.
nice thread :) I love to see people's art. That clay Nectridian is awesome!
I had a brief crocodile phase - so far the only herps I've painted. My avatar is an oil and below is a water color:


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