Question: Newly hatched fire bellies!


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Apr 29, 2008
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near Exeter
United Kingdom
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Hello all
I have some newly hatched fire bellied newts (around 50 at the moment) and am they don't seem to be eating. I'm not worried about the ones still with yolk sac attached, but the older ones don't seem to be eating, i have put in finely crushed fish flakes, as i cannot seem to find any live food here in the uk...can anyone help??
first time accidental breeder!!!:eek:
AW: Newly hatched fire bellies!

Hi clairet,
fish flakes will not work as they require live food organisms. It might be an option for you to hatch out Artemia cysts or so-called brineshrimp. After resorption of their yolk-sac the newt larvae will happily devour freshly hatched Artemia larvae (also called nauplii or bbs / as in baby-brine-shrimp).
The dry Artemia cysts can be bought in a lot of lfss (or local fish stores). :D

Check out this article on Caudata Culture with a lot of helpful information:
Caudata Culture Articles - Microfoods
When my T marmoratus hatched I fed them on lots of daphnia and micro worm. The daphnia came from the fish shop and the micro worm from ebay.
Moved to the help section.
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