New member
I apologize for posting yet another thread about setting up a new aquarium. I was skimming through some previous threads, but I was having trouble with finding answers to the specific questions I had in mind. I'm completely new with aquariums. I've just recently purchased a 20 gallon tank and wanted to get it started up and have it running smoothly before getting an axolotl. My brother has 75 gallon tank, but he keeps fresh water fish, so I don't know how much of his knowledge can be applied to setting up a aquarium for an axolotl.
Here are some of my main questions:
Filters-I've heard a great deal about how axolotls are sensitive to strong currents so I was wondering if anyone could refer me a good filter to buy that's relatively simple to care for an not too expensive, perhaps around some where in the price rage of $20-$35?
Substrates-I've read that small pebbles are an absolute no no due to issues with ingestion. I was originally going to go with sand because it's inexpensive, but a friend told me that sand can irritate an axolotl's gills. So, I was just wondering if anyone could suggest what type of substrate would be best?
Temperature-My room can get pretty warm during the day in the summer and vise-versa in the winter, so I guess my main question concerning this subject is if there anything I should buy to help regulate the temperature of my aquarium?
Miscellaneous- concerning the pH level and such would it be alright to just prepare everything as if I were setting up a tank for fresh water fish?
Well, I suppose that's all the main questions of concern I have for now. Thanks for taking the time to read my thread, I truly appreciate it. If there is anything at all that you feel is worth mentioning, by all means, please feel free to share your own personal experiences and knowledge. I'd love to offer the best I can for my future axolotl, since I'm inexperienced any advice or tips, links to other helpful websites, or even books you may have or know about would be great.
Thanks again ^-^
Here are some of my main questions:
Filters-I've heard a great deal about how axolotls are sensitive to strong currents so I was wondering if anyone could refer me a good filter to buy that's relatively simple to care for an not too expensive, perhaps around some where in the price rage of $20-$35?
Substrates-I've read that small pebbles are an absolute no no due to issues with ingestion. I was originally going to go with sand because it's inexpensive, but a friend told me that sand can irritate an axolotl's gills. So, I was just wondering if anyone could suggest what type of substrate would be best?
Temperature-My room can get pretty warm during the day in the summer and vise-versa in the winter, so I guess my main question concerning this subject is if there anything I should buy to help regulate the temperature of my aquarium?
Miscellaneous- concerning the pH level and such would it be alright to just prepare everything as if I were setting up a tank for fresh water fish?
Well, I suppose that's all the main questions of concern I have for now. Thanks for taking the time to read my thread, I truly appreciate it. If there is anything at all that you feel is worth mentioning, by all means, please feel free to share your own personal experiences and knowledge. I'd love to offer the best I can for my future axolotl, since I'm inexperienced any advice or tips, links to other helpful websites, or even books you may have or know about would be great.
Thanks again ^-^