Newbie Axie Owner, need help


New member
Apr 20, 2020
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United States
So im a fairly new axie owner. ive had my axie exactly a week now & im just now finding out about cycling and some other things. My axie is about 5-6 months old from what the store told me. The pet store i got my axie from told me i needed a 10 gallon tank, a pump, a sponge filter (which i purchased from them) and said that all i needed to do was if i was using tap water, to fill the tank up hook the filter & pump up then add 20 drops of sechem prime per 10 gallons (which i did) & let the tank sit for at least 24 hrs & then i could add my axie to the tank. and thats mainly the only info they gave me other than that i should feed my axie 1-2 chopped up [earth] worms (i also purchased these from the pet store my axie came from) every other day. which ive been doing. i just found out about needing to cycle a tank & doing water test kits but dont know how to go about that as ive already got my axie in its tank. can someone help me pls. i want to make sure that my axie is getting the care that it needs & deserves. I have already purchased a water test kit & a few other water conditioner products from walmart that i was told were safe. Pictued below are the products i have & the setup of my axie's tank. Please help this newbie, thanks in advance. 🙂


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Wow that axolotl does not look 5-6 months to me haha xD I know its been a month but any updates? Axolotl-in cycling is very long and risky. Personally, a 10 gallon isnt going to be big enough when your little one gets bigger so what I would do is forget about cycling the 10gallon they're in, buy a 20G Long or larger and begin cycling that. Im in the same situation youre in and I've had my axolotl in an uncycled tank for about a month. The big tank that I've been cycling is nearing completion though and I tried everything I could to speed it up with no success. I used Dr. Tims nitrifying bacteria and his ammonium chloride drops to get it going and it did seem to work but not nearly as fast as he advertised. Pm me if you need any help!
When i moved my axolotl up to a 20 gallon I put him in a plastic container and put all 10 gallons from my old cycled tank into the 20 gallon (after making sure i really clean the tank of poop and food) and used the same decorations and filter then moved him into the 20 gallon. This way i didn't have to acclimate him for a long time and i didn't have to cycle the tank. If you want more water in the tank I suggest that every time you do a water change that you putt in a gallon more than you take out so that you don't break the cycle. If you do break the cycle put 1 drop of Prime per gallon into your tank everyday until the levels go back to normal.
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