Hi, new to the forum http://www.caudata.org/forum/showthread.php?p=179241#post179241
I thinking of getting a couple of newts/salamanders but still researching on the care needed and what equipment I need. I already have a 150L aquarium that I had kept my turtle in so it's mainly research and decoration that I need to make any newts/salamanders that I get feel safe and happy.
I live in Bristol (Uk) and I am wondering what is a good newt/salamander is for a beginner that does not grow too big, smaller that better. Is a 150Litre tank big enough for maybe 2 or newts ? When I had a turtle the general rule regarding living space was 40L for every 1 inch of shell length. Is there something simular for newts and salamanders ?
My main question is, does anyone know where in Bristol (uk) I can purchase newts or salamanders ? I cheacked out a few reptile and pet shops to no avail. If there are any breeders or if any one knows of any breeders in the Bristol area I would love to hear.
Thanks for reading, hope you can help. :happy:
I thinking of getting a couple of newts/salamanders but still researching on the care needed and what equipment I need. I already have a 150L aquarium that I had kept my turtle in so it's mainly research and decoration that I need to make any newts/salamanders that I get feel safe and happy.
I live in Bristol (Uk) and I am wondering what is a good newt/salamander is for a beginner that does not grow too big, smaller that better. Is a 150Litre tank big enough for maybe 2 or newts ? When I had a turtle the general rule regarding living space was 40L for every 1 inch of shell length. Is there something simular for newts and salamanders ?
My main question is, does anyone know where in Bristol (uk) I can purchase newts or salamanders ? I cheacked out a few reptile and pet shops to no avail. If there are any breeders or if any one knows of any breeders in the Bristol area I would love to hear.
Thanks for reading, hope you can help. :happy: