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Jul 15, 2011
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United States
i was on vacation up in north arizona where i found a tiger salamander under my tent when we were folding up leaving our camping trip, it was very dry and dieing so i decided to take it home and had kept it in a container of well water until we got home (about 120 mi from where i found it) where i put it in tap water for about 2 days i dont think that was good. the problem is i dont know how to keep it cool and how often to feed it, mist the cage, or clean the cage. I have been feeding it meal worms about 2 a day im not sure if this is too much and its about 83 degrees in its tank which im not sure if that is very bad for it either, i would like to know what sub species it is and how i should feed it how i can keep it cool etc (turning down the ac isn't an option as my parents are strict on money and im takeing care of it on my own budget). its in a 20 gal long tank at the moment with cypress bark floor bedding a few hideing spots and about half an inch deep water dish that is big enough to fit about 3 of it in it and a food bowl. if you need any other information or pics just ask me and ill post because i could really use advice and the only other pet like it i have had is a corn snake.
- Get your tank under 80 degrees ASAP. Basement, fan, whatever. Anything.
- Instead of the cork bark I'd keep him with moist paper towels and a few good hides for now to see if you can stabilize him.
- Don't use tap water, you need aged water or a tap water de-chlorinator to add to your tap water.

Now read this:
Caudata Culture Species Entry - Tiger salamander

Hopefully he pulls through! Good luck! Post pics!


those are a photo of it, and the habitat it is in ill get right on the temprature and where can i find aged water? at the moment it has well water from a well where it originally was but that is almost gone, ive been switching out the water everyday and it 2 meal worms a day a good diet for it? its the only food i have at the moment how many should i be feeding it if not. a fan is ok? wont that dry it up? replace the stars with imageshack . us in the link i couldt get thumbnails to work sorry
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Depending on where you were in Arizona, it may be a Federally endangered species, and therefore quite illegal for you to possess.

Mealworms are not an appropriate diet for tiger salamanders. Read this caresheet on tiger salamander care.
sorry what site should i use? and its definetly an eastern i found it in the coconino national forest and it is not endangered there or illegal to take i researched before we left, and it says to feed it only twice a week? that doesnt seem right.. it also says meal worms are ok but what food would you reccomend? is cyprus bark ok though i think im going to change it as i believe he might eat small peices of it when im feeding him which i dont want to happen..
picture of it and its habitat :).


thanks, it doesn't say anything about feeding them meal worms.. are those bad for them? if so would cockaroaches be ok?
Water from well water is OK, it doesn't have chlorine in it. Don't use municipal tap water (city water), as this contains chlorine and that's bad.

A few mealworms won't hurt him, but they are not a good long-term diet. Refer to the article that Jan linked to for more information about diet.
For the cooling, why not buy 3 or 4 good size freeze packs (cheap at any dollar store) and rotate them every 4 or 6 hours as needed, it should keep the temp down.... or you can even place a 2 litter bottle of soda, frozen, and rotate.... one you use, one in the freezer....
Good luck with the salamander.
Also, if you can find some good size earthworms, he (she) would love that.
thanks and she seems to be doing good right now i live in an arid enviornment so ive been misting the tank a lot and switching out the water every day to keep temps down.. shes been running around the cage a lot and come straight up to the glass when i come in the room wich suprises me because i thought they were supposed to spend a lot of time in hides and under their bedding?
also, ill keep off the meal worms and head to a local pet store to pick up some earth worms. the problem is my dad not wanting to spend time on it (he doesnt care for amphibians reptiles etc. but i think they are the best animals on earth.) and im running on my own budget so its hard to keep getting all these new materials :p
The only thing that almost killed my salamander is the heat - so get some ice packs in there fast!!! :eek:

They are free!!! :D Just take a plastic bottle of soda and fill it with water and freeze it. Your habitat looks nice but it could be too wam, watch the light too it may dry her out.

sorry guys, been caught up with school for a while now and it has been FOREVER since ive been on.. my salamander is doing much better now :p gotten about an inch and a half larger shes very happy and healthy... enjoys the substrate a lot so just been using that same stuff switching in new substrate every 3 or 4 weeks maybe a little longer if its not dirty.. feed her crickets and fresh meal worms and shes doing pretty great :)!
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