Question: New to newts


New member
Jul 23, 2011
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United States
Hello, nice to meet you all. I've been lurking this forum a bit lately, as I've been having "the urge" for a new setup. I currently have an asian leaf turtle (cyclemys dentata) in a 125 gallon semi-aquatic setup and another 125 gallon freshwater setup for my 3 parrot hybrids, green severum, bristlenose pleco, and kribensis. I've been fish and turtle keeping for about 5 or 6 years now. I'm *highly* interested in adding a salamander/newt setup to my hobby, however I don't know a whole lot about them!

What I have:
I plan to use my old 40 gallon breeder tank with sliding screen lid. I have a submersible filter, and an old eheim canister filter that I'm not using right now. I can easily get another heater or heat lamp, if needed [though from what I can tell, they don't have much heat requirements?].

What I'm looking for:
A salamander/newt that isn't super "common" ie - not looking for a fire belly. Definitely looking for something semi-aquatic, active a decent amount, not too fragile, and captive bred [not interested in breeding, but will not buy wild caught specimens]. I'm interested in the rough skinned newt, but it seems they're hard to find.

If you can point me in the right direction of a salamander/newt that fits the bill, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for your help.

Since you seem experienced in aquariums fish keeping and do not like "common newts", why not get a Neurergus kaiseri, they are gorgeous, love semi aquatic set-up's and are captive bred....
Good luck!
Ohh, those are pretty! I'll research them a bit. Other suggestions are also welcome :)
Alpine newts would be another potential species and I think I'm right in saying are easier to get CB (and certainly cheaper).

I am also new to newts, I have 2 axolotyls but would like to get some newts. I have seen fire bellied newts in my local pet shop but wondered if anyone knew of some breeders that they could recomend within the Devon/Cornwall area?
I used to have a california newt years ago that was really neat. They have def personalities and they arent particularly common in the pet trade nowadays. They are semiaquatic and very hardy. Not sure about their availability as captive bred though.
marbled newts would be another for fire bellies, they are not all created alike; some species are less common and also very pretty. I wouldn't dismiss them outright....check out, for example, Cynops cyanurus, Cynops pyrrhogaster, Cynops ensicauda popei....

definitely no heating - all of these are happiest at or below 70 F, maybe the cyanurus like it a bit warmer
Maybe a eastern newt.They are a real nice red when they are in there terrestrial stage with a row of 4-5 dots runing down on each side of the body.
Thank you for all the suggestions, so much to research! I've found that one of my local-ish (about an hour's drive) has one lonely t. granulosa. I may go to check it out, and see if they can get more.

Question about setting up the tank, if I go with the rough-skinned newt:

As I said, 40 gallon breeder. It's about 15" tall, and I was planning on adding a piece of plexiglass (17.5" x 17.5") that has holes drilled in it, as a land area. I'm wondering about water depth, should I basically cut the tank in half and place the divider at 7.5"?
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