Hello, again. As promised, here are more photos. I am already planning some changes to the "land" area, since I will have to build a new stand for this tank anyway. The one it is on is fine, but my dogs have a tendency to run into it and shake the hell out of the tank which terrifies the newts and scares me every time that it's going to fall down. So yea, one more project that needs immediate attention. Anyway, the newts are doing very well. Still constantly courting. The female still seems to like the water feature quite a bit, but the vast majority of the time they are clearly on the bottom searching for food. It actually appears to be a 24 hour a day endeavor. As you can see in the photos, they have plenty of hides, but they have not used them to my knowledge. They are basically always where you see them pictured, the male on the bottom, and the female climbing among the floating plants. They are a very active and colorful newt species. Everyone who comes into the room comments on them, even though they might not say anything about the 55 gallon fish tank sitting across the room. No one ever notices the ribbed newts until I point out that something is in their tank. I guess sitting absolutely still really is a good form of camouflage, because usually they are sitting in full view. I read the care sheet, but I have one quick question on the care of the eggs.They have already laid eggs on the floating plants. Should I attempt to remove them and care for them? I have no tanks or anything set up for larva or juveniles at this time. If I attempt to get the eggs now I'm wondering if, since I'm not ready, if it's worth the trouble. Will I end up killing them all anyway? Would I be better off getting ready and waiting for the next batch of eggs? I guess I'm asking what the viability of eggs in small containers of dechlorinated water, since that is where I'd be at at this moment. Anyway, thanks for taking a look.