New to Axolotls


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Qld, Australia
Hi Everyone

I'm very new to having Axolotls. My 5 year old convinced me to use my empty 3 foot tank as his new Axolotl aquarium for his birthday.

We cycled it over christmas/new year using a few juvenille mollies from another of my tanks. They were removed the day the Axols came home though. :happy:

Set up is as follows:

3 ft long tank
Black fine grain sand
Scattering of large black river rocks
Two fake plants
One tunnel
Internal power filter with spray bar
Two bubblers (the skeleton head and a wand)

The following photos were taken about 2 weeks ago on the day they were introduced.

This is "Lego Legs" sitting on top


This is "Dino Legs"


Getting around together


And a current pic of the tank.


I'm planning on adding some live plants along the back, getting rid of the fake ones and also adding more hiding places and tunnels.

I'm removing the bubblers as they seemed to be scaring the Axols. Although I'll have to leave the dino skeleton head in there or my 5 year old won't forgive me. :eek: I'll just leave it turned off.

Any other suggestions?

Thanks for looking!!
As you say, a few live plants and a couple of hides would be great, but a very nice set-up for some lovely axies :happy:
Cute! Funny names, too... Is the 5 year old responsible for them, by any chance? ;)

Might be worth turning the spray bar to face the side of the tank if you haven't already, it looks like it's disturbing the water quite a bit.

Re: the bubblers, do you have a little flow valve? I keep mine with a very fine stream of bubbles coming out, and they LOVE it, sit with their tummies in the jacuzzi! Without the plastic valve though, it's VERY fierce!

Your tank and axies look lovely, I love the black sand! Congrats :)
Welcome to the addiction, Colinna. ^_^ Lovely pair of lotls you have there, I love how they contrast so much with each other. Great names. ;)
Thanks everyone!

Yep, my son named them. LOL!! He has a thing for lego and dinosaurs. Probably why the Axo's appealed to him so much (they look prehistoric).

I didn't want to get the black one at first because I'd set the tank up with black sand, but B wouldn't have it any other way. The black one is really hard to find when the light is off because he/she blends in completely. LOL!!

Mewsie - I've got the spray bar facing directly upwards, hence it's making the water look turbulent. The current everywhere else is minimal though. Since I turned off the bubblers I've noticed them both exploring a lot more, especially down the filter end where the bubble wand was. I'll try out a valve but I have a feeling they just don't like the bubblers. :)
That black axie sure is hard to find. I had to rotate my laptop every which way!

Good looking pair.
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