New to Axolotls - Possible Revamp of Planted Tropical Aquarium to Axie home?!


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Jan 2, 2017
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United States
Hi! I am new to the forum and am extremely interested in purchasing my first axolotl but have a few (okay, a lot) of questions before I get to the buying stage. So please, bear with me and I appreciate any help that I can get!

To start with, while I am new to axis I have kept heavily planted tropical fish aquariums for several years. I teach high school Biology and would LOVE to have an Axolotl so I can use it as an example when discussing genetics and adaptations...not to mention they are just so darn cool looking!

So here is what I am hoping to do...

Right now I have an empty 10g tank that I want to put a slate bottom on and use to house a juvenile axoltyl until I can revamp my 29g tropical tank for it. I've got a couple pieces of Mopani driftwood with anubias and java fern plants attached to it to use as decoration for the little guy. I'd probably add some floating plants too. There would be no light on this tank so all low tech (mesh lid most likely). Does that sound good as a starter aquarium for an axolotl juvie?

While the little one grows, I'd like to revamp my current 29g tropical tank I have set up in my classroom into the axies permanent, adult home.

Right now, the tank is a dirted tank. (Think Walstad method but modified). I have 3/4' dirt caped in 3/4" black diamond sand. I've attached a picture of the tank. Some of the plants currently in the tank include:
Amazon sword (2 types but the mother of all amazon swords is the huuuuge centerpiece)
Java Fern
Dwarf Saggitarius
Jungle Val

Now I know some of the plants will easily handle a switch to an unheated tank, but I have concerns about the rest. Such as that giant of an amazon sword. It has been planted in that tank for over 3 years and its roots likely extend through the whole substrate.

Has anyone had luck with sword plants surviving in axolotl conditions? I'd hate to kill that plant but if it wont work then it wont work.

I also have a Finnex Planted + LED light on the tank. Due to the depth of the tank it is considered a low/medium light tank. Would that be too much for the axolotl? Or would it be okay if I provide enough hides? Or floating plants?

Also, any other suitable temperate plant suggestions that I don't have listed in the tank already? Or any other concerns that you can think of regarding my whole idea of switching this tank over?


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Keep in mind their current leaves may shed when they are "shicked" by the cold tell,myself, but shoukd regrow. My java ferns all did.
Honestly, if you really want to save that sword plant, it might be better to just grab a new 10g for a couple of bucks and put the lotl in that. Axolotls need colder water than most tropical plants can thrive in. So yeah, your plants /might survive, but they're unlikely to survive at a temperature that's beneficial for your axolotl.
I ended up choosing to leave that tank as a tropical tank. I've got a TON of cherry shrimp in here that I am going to continue to breed so I can occasionally stick a few in the axolotl tank I am setting up.

I chose to go ahead and buy a 20g long during Petco's dollar per gallon sale and set that up for an axie instead. Working on cycling it and getting all the decorations and low light/low temp plants established before I go to a local reptile expo next month
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    SkudulfXD: Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot... +1