Hey everybody this is my first post on this site and I would really appreciate some helpful feedback.
I just got my first salamander and I need any advice you can give. He is a 4 in (eastern?) tiger salamander.
Right now I have him in a semi aquatic 10 gal. The water is probably 2.5 inches high at it's deepest. I have sand as the subsrate. I have no filter but I use a siphon to change 90% of the water every 2 days. I know that the tiger is supposed to be a terrestrial salamander but at the store he was pretty much kept in an all aquatic tank. My original plan was to keep him in semi aquatic for a while and slowly ease him into terristrial so I don't stress him out too much. But in my set up he spends almost the whole time in the water. Does that sound right? Is he just stressed out? Is it something that he will grow out of?
My other questioins are:
Is sand an ok substrate?
How much and often do I feed him?
What should I feed him? (so far I've only done newt/salamander pellets and wax worms)
I would really appreciate ANY advice you guys can give me. Thanks
I just got my first salamander and I need any advice you can give. He is a 4 in (eastern?) tiger salamander.
Right now I have him in a semi aquatic 10 gal. The water is probably 2.5 inches high at it's deepest. I have sand as the subsrate. I have no filter but I use a siphon to change 90% of the water every 2 days. I know that the tiger is supposed to be a terrestrial salamander but at the store he was pretty much kept in an all aquatic tank. My original plan was to keep him in semi aquatic for a while and slowly ease him into terristrial so I don't stress him out too much. But in my set up he spends almost the whole time in the water. Does that sound right? Is he just stressed out? Is it something that he will grow out of?
My other questioins are:
Is sand an ok substrate?
How much and often do I feed him?
What should I feed him? (so far I've only done newt/salamander pellets and wax worms)
I would really appreciate ANY advice you guys can give me. Thanks
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