New tank! need some "axiescaping" ideas.


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Oct 29, 2010
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Perth, Western Australia
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Ok, so I have just obtained a new tank that I'm currently in the process of cycling, infact I only just filled it yesterday.

its a 95L "AquaPro" aquarium complete with stand, (that's about 25 us gallons for our metric-challenged friends :rolleyes:) complete with a hood and 2 lamps, one that seems to be a normal tube and another what I think is a UV tube.

the tank has a built in trickle filter in the top of the hood that is fed with a internal pump, and the water runs along the top and onto the filter bed by way of a spray bar, the water then runs through the pads, and below the pads is a layer of ceramic filter noodles, the water then runs along underneath the media in a channel and back into the tank through a gravity fed outlet.

it seems to be a great design, and it seems to provide alot of aeration too.

the internal pump has a venturi to provide extra air and circulation, but it created a current that was too strong so I just connected some air hose and looped it back onto itself to solve that problem.

attached are some pictures of the tank, it is filled and running it just is not "axiescaped" yet.

Basically I'm here seeking some ideas on how to create a stunning tank, it is in my room too, and I'm able to look at it from my bed .

I'm looking to go for a riverbed/lakebed look, so I have some items at my disposal, but I have a whole month in the meantime while I wait for the tank to cycle so I have plenty of time obtain some more items to add.

I also have a black sand type substrate from another tank that is not being used, its about 1-2mm average grain size, but it does feel kinda abrasive, so I'm not sure its suitable.

attached are some pics of my new tank and the trickle filter above.


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ok, my tank now has some substrate (washed play sand) and a pot for a hide, and a few fake plants.

I obtained a beautiful piece of tangled bogwood, which today I boiled on the stovetop in several changes of water, much to my mum's displeasure. It's not completely waterlogged so I have left it in a tub filled with water out the back untill it sinks.

I still need to obtain some more hides and some java fern to attach to the wood and the plant pot. Surprisingly, I have had a hard time finding it, I tried several different aquarists today, all of which did not have it in stock.

I was also wondering, are pond plants, like water lilies and such suitable for a axolotl tank?

sorry that the pictures are the wrong way, I can't seem to get the pictures to upload right way up, you'll see the partly set up tank and the piece of wood I got today.


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Looks nice. I would recommend getting some java moss if you can. It will grow over that lovely piece of wood making it nice and soft and non harmful for your axi. I just got some for mine today and my boy is already using it as a cushy bed.
yeah, I am looking for java moss too, but I'm having trouble getting that aswell.

I have found a supplier online based in perth that I can order from, but I will order from them as a last resort.
ooooooooh I like that tank :D and those filters are great, nice and gentle :happy: just watch you clean them fairly regularly as those sponges on top can get clogged and the water can pool on top before flowing through :rolf: I've heard of one guy who ran his for almost a year without checking on it and it got clogged up and all overflowed everywhere :rofl: He went back to where he bought it to complain about it but shut up pretty darned fast when they asked him when the last time he cleaned the sponges was :lol:
LOVE LOVE LOVE that bit of wood, such and interesting shape :happy: Very nice!
Pond plants are deceptive little things. Lillies for example will give you plenty of shade in your tank once they reach the top but they require a lot of strong light to grow but the plants themselves won't hurt your axie.
But hey you have a moth to grow them with no axie in there and heaps of light so it's worth a try I guess.

As for where to get the Java I have no idea I know that week and a bit of really hot weather hit ours for a six and it would seem it's knocked out everyone elses too :(
Good luck
that piece of wood was excellent, I got it from a aquarist in midland, I saw it and thought "INGENIOUS!"

the wet/dry filter has a overflow, so I'm safe, and has been running since thursday and already the pads are picking up dirt. The sand cost me $4.50 for a 40kg bag from a local garden supply center, I was impressed.
haha good to know they have improved the design some :happy:

You gotta love landscape supply places and their cheap cheap sand :happy: it's where I get all mine from, sooooooo much cheaper than even bunnings.
I just tested the water, and the ammonia is just starting to rise, it is sitting at about .25ppm, I've been adding a pinch of flake fish food daily, I guess its starting to do the trick.

I'm so tempted to buy a axie right away because the tank is there in my room running with nothing in it and it's boring to look at, I was tempted to buy a goldfish but I'm unable to re-home it when the tank is ready, but I am thinking of turning my old axie tank into a breeder tank for guppy to feed my future axie, so I may buy a male guppy and 3 females to put in the tank until it is ready for a axie, and move the guppy into my old axie tank when I'm ready for another.
Your dogs are beautiful Chris. I'm a total softie for a Jack Russell; best dogs in the world.
I love driftwood, or as you folks call it, bogwood. I have a large piece as the main focus of my tank with java moss and anubias around it. Looks so natural, and if you buy a large piece it provides great hides for the axies.
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Where in Aus are you? I know a few great places in Sydney to get aquarium plants... also there is a guy on ebay who ships from Melbourne. He's very reliable.
He is actually a tenterfield terrier, they are slightly taller and leaner than jack russels, and have the long skinny terrier face and nose, somewhat like a fox terrier, the other one is my American bulldog.

I'm in Perth, and it's illegal to bring live plants, fruits, vegetables, flowers, wood and honey into WA even from other states, so it limits what I can get my hands on.
I'm in Perth, and it's illegal to bring live plants, fruits, vegetables, flowers, wood and honey into WA even from other states, so it limits what I can get my hands on.

Oh damn that sucks... good luck with finding a supplier over there. Hope you have a way to cool your axi's down when it gets hot!
Where in Melbourne is the ebay guy? Been trying to get my hands on some live plants for ages!!
Hope you have a way to cool your axi's down when it gets hot!

most of the hot weather is over with, and its getting cooler and the days shorter now as the weeks pass, I do plan on having a chiller by next summer though.
most of the hot weather is over with, and its getting cooler and the days shorter now as the weeks pass, I do plan on having a chiller by next summer though.
I know what you mean. I live on the east coast... I am in the process of ordering a chiller for my baby.
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