ok this is my old tank houssing my 5 month old male white albino *squidy* (dont ask).
Then i got a new one today and shes the same age but a golden albino. I made them a beter home and changed the substrate from 1-1.5 inch pebbles to black sand/crushed pebles. and i think they love it. i also added a synthetic lod tunnel and lots of live plants.
i wont an oppinoin, do you think its good? and is it too much?
Then i got a new one today and shes the same age but a golden albino. I made them a beter home and changed the substrate from 1-1.5 inch pebbles to black sand/crushed pebles. and i think they love it. i also added a synthetic lod tunnel and lots of live plants.
i wont an oppinoin, do you think its good? and is it too much?