New tank for alpine newts


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Jan 23, 2008
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United States
This is my first newt tank and I need some advice. What’s the maximum number of Mesotrion alpestris apuanus for a 22 gallon cube (16x16x20). I currently have 3 white clouds and I’m buying one ghost shrimp tonight. I plan to buy 5 newts as soon as the tank is cycled and will give 2 to my brother . So is 5 ok for temporary housing?

The tank has been set up for two weeks with ok water parameters. My plants arrived from Aquaspot World last week and I made the mistake of adding decomposing frogbit. This has set back cycling with ammonia ppm levels between 2 and 4.

The juveniles I’m buying have been raised in an aquatic set up. Is the small island with Taiwan moss adequate? I’m hoping 4”x4” is enough. I’m also concerned about water depth. It’s currently at 17 inches.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions on how to improve my setup. By the way, I highly recommend White Cloud Minnows. These little guys are tough, colorful and fun to watch.


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i think your tank setup looks really good but 5 newts is alot and would be a bit cramped i would stick to 2 thats plenty. but its up to you

newts don't swim that much they walk so i would keep alot of floor space for them and they love dark places and plants to go in and would climb on that wood you have in your tank so i would keep that.
M. alpestris are small newts. I think 5 of them would be just fine in a tank this size. You'll really need to pay close attention to the water parameters during the cycling period, but you seem to be on top of that:) The small island should be fine for this kind of newt. The setup looks really nice! My only concern is that you should be sure all the holes where the tubing goes into the tank are well sealed against escape (can't tell from the photos).
You also need to make sure it doesn't get too warm in there.
Thanks for the comments. I only plan to keep three and when my brother’s tank is ready I’ll give him a pair.

The tank is in the basement with a constant temperature between 58-59 F. I was originally using a 16 watt Aqua Glow fluorescent tube which was nice until I tried my dart frogs Exo terra compact top with one GE 27 watt (6500K natural light) spiral bulb. The temps are still in the 50’s and the plants are loving it. I just hope the algae stays away.

I have some more questions:

1. The spiral blub is bright. Could I use some black fiber glass screening over the glass to diffuse the light. I’ll set it over the glass top and use some of the screening to modify the standard plastic strip. This should help with ventilation which could be related to my second question

2. Mold on my Malaysian driftwood. It’s only on the exposed wood above the water line. Is this a ventilation issue or a process that will eventually go away. I’m hoping the moss will grow on the driftwood. Should I tie it down or will it spread on its own?

3. One of my White Clouds is aggressive. I believe it’s a male. The colors are bright with neon green fins and bright red lips. The other two are mellow with drab coloration. Think I should buy another show off male?

Thanks for your help.


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Sorry, but i think, that this tank is TOO small for newts, even for alpines. 16 centimeters for 7 cm newt? 3 those newts? Maybe for some time, for juveniles. Or you want to have something like... bonsai kitten?
And i'm sure, fish cannot be housed with newts in such a small tank.
Sorry, but i think, that this tank is TOO small for newts, even for alpines. 16 centimeters for 7 cm newt? 3 those newts? Maybe for some time, for juveniles. Or you want to have something like... bonsai kitten?
And i'm sure, fish cannot be housed with newts in such a small tank.

I think the tank measurements are in inches ;). But fish are not that good of an idea, and especially ghost shrimp. I've seen my apaunas eat ghost shrimp when I tried to temporarily house them in one of my other already established aquariums (they're aquarium needed to be cleaned :D).
In this situation, i see no problems :D Sorry.
Ghost shrimp (Caridina japonica, or i'm wrong?) shouldn't be housed with newts too, i saw too many photos of this shrimp eating small cichlids like P. ramirezi.
here is not mine photo of smaller shrimp eating neon tetra
I decided not to buy a ghost shrimp. I'll wait and see how clean my tank stays with weekly water changes and glass scrubbing. The only reason I wanted a shrimp was to keep the tank in check.
First cool tank. The water level should be fine

Second, ghost shrimp should be okay. They wont attack your animals. My Alpines chase the shrimp and take bites at em all the time. I have 2 juvies and one adult

Third, I hate you for getting a tank like that for $62! :)
java moss

Nice simple setup there. Java moss works well for wood that breaks the surface. Make sure it is still in contact with the water a bit and drape/hang it over the exposed wood. In the beginning its a good idea to mist it frequently but once it's established, it shouldn't need so much misting, if any. It will look really nice after a few months, you can see it creeping up the wood in the background as well, spreading out as it goes:

It's a lovely looking tank although I'd second Jen's concerns about the lid - it's hard to see if there are gaps. These newts (especially when young) will scale glass like spiderman. If you have the slightest gap or hole they'll be carpet crisps before you can say "where've the newts gone?" See: (there's even a shot of my M.a.apuanus glass walking)
Good tank but not so good i dont really like it no offense just seems to aquatic and to small.
No Alpine newts, just lots of White Cloud minnows. Just wanted to post some update pics. The initial intent was to cycle the tank with a couple of white clouds, however after a month the tank was overloaded with fry. Newt tank turned into a fish tank.

Anyways, I'm setting up a new tank for a group of Neurergus strauchii. I'll post a set-up thread soon.




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