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May 7, 2007
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I´ve talked about how my H.orientalis always start breeding in late summer before, but this time they have beaten all records. A mere handful of hours after arriving back to Salamanca and putting them in their usual tank, both males are courting like crazy xD
As i say, they always start courting and laying shortly after getting back home from the summer holidays, but it usually takes at the very least a week and generally a bit more than that. This time they have wasted no time. Only a couple of hours after arrival the males already had huge swollen cloacae and displayed papillae, and some time later they were starting with the first clumsy attempts to court. By now they are really getting on the female´s nerves, the pursue is restless :D
The younger male seems to be a bit bi-curious...either that or he has very poor eyesight :p
I´ve tried to take a picture but it´s proven impossible...the female vaults quickly when the males start courting and she moves the debris about which makes my camera useless.
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Did you put on mood lighting and a Barry White record by any chance? :D
As i say, they always start courting and laying shortly after getting back home from the summer holidays,

...and where, pray tell, do your newts go for their summer holiday?

wishing you good luck and many eggs!
And now the pyrrhogaster are going at it too xD This is going to be an interesting year.

No Barry White, but i think they apreciate Queen because that´s what i was listening to yesterday. The song "Innuendo" might have been the culprit :D

Molch, they go every year to the fanciest place a newt could dream of....Burgos, a small city in the middle of nowhere ;) Still, for a newt it´s still impressive, i bet they´d kill in their highschool reunion talking about their vacation and their car trips in deluxe plastic compartiments, with a swirling glass of cognac in their paws.
Aaaaaaaaand laying...
The female H.orientalis is folding a leaf as i speak. I´m amazed with these guys...xD
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