When my daughter was younger we had came across a Greater Siren Newt (didn't know at the time) at the local pet store while buying live blood worms for our frog. Nobody at the shop knew what it was. We bought it and researched it. Now this was about twelve years ago. We had the fun creature in a 55 gallon tank and it was getting crowded. While moveing to another state my parents were to take care of the tank while the move continued. Grandma didnt take care of the tank and many of our pets had died. Today we were watching a amphibian show and we saw the newt. My daughter got so excited because she was 6 when it died and we had it for over one year. It fit in the palm of our hand and grew to 18 inches before we lost it. She would love to have another. We searched the net and havnt found any for sale. Do you know of any sights we can look at?