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Dec 4, 2010
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Hello everybody.
It has bin a couple of years since i last visited this forum. Now I am back.
Here are some photos of my axolotls. I have 1 white female, 1 black male, 1 golden male and 27 larvea. I`ve been breeding axolotls since 2005. So my axolotls are about 5-6 years old. I also have my one website about axolotls. Ik en mijn dieren |


WOW I love your tank!! How big is it? And how do you keep your plants looking so good?

My tank is 125 cm x 50 cm x 60 cm (l;b;h) (1 inch = 2.54 cm).
I don´t do anything special with my plants. But in the summer they grow very good, so I have to trow them away because they get to big and then I add new plants, especialy the Ceratophyllum demersum.
Wow thats nice and big. I'd love a bigger tank.

Do you have the lights on much? I wondered if this helped with the growth of the plants?

Not really, there is only 1 tl-lamp in it.
How big is your tank and how many axolotls do you have?
I have a 3 foot tank with 3 adults in.
I have lots of other babies and such mostly in tubs at the moment.

Whenever i put plants in they seem to die off, and also get dug up a lot. I have an axolotl who likes to sit on the plants as they float at the surface, after been dug up!

3 foot, so thats about 90 cm?
Vette axolotls :D
Yeah i think its just over, maybe 100cm. I cant remember and dont have the tape to hand.


google said:
3 feet = 91.44 centimeters

Google is very useful for converting units. Just search for "<amount> <units> to <destination units>" without the quotes and replacing the stuff between the tags with what you mean. So "3 feet to cm" would give you the previous result. It also works for converting valuta :)
Absolutely lovely tank! Seems like what I'd expect the bottom of a lake to be like. Nice.
Google is very useful for converting units. Just search for "<amount> <units> to <destination units>" without the quotes and replacing the stuff between the tags with what you mean. So "3 feet to cm" would give you the previous result. It also works for converting valuta :)

Thanks hun, what i meant was its over 3 feet by about 10cm. I think its like 100cm.
I should really measure it and stop being lazy lol

I have tank envy!! >=[

I wish I was more creative. I can never come up with something like that. It's like looking at Ed's tanks all over again! I really really want to copy it now lol. I think my axolotls would adore it, it looks like such an axolotly place to be!

Your axolotls are very cute as well btw! =]
The algea keep on comming. But what do you do about it :happy:

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