I'm Marie-Sophie GERMAIN, a french scientific journalist and writer specialized in exotic pets, reptiles and amphibians.
My editor (De Vecchi / Albin Michel, one of the biggest in France about animals) had ordered to me (YESTERDAY) to write a book about C. Pyrrhogaster and C. Orientalis... for the 15 of January...! 120 pages ! It's a book in the style of the Barron's book of F. Inviglio.
Well I'm used to work hard and urgently, but as you can imagine, that's a big big challenge, since I have to compile so much informations about these 2 species + write the book + send a photograph for pictures + order some drawings to illustrators... IN ONE MONTH ONLY...
As probably know, French people are very arrogant, especially breeders and/or biologists, who don't want to share informations about their knowledge (they think they are Gods and it's delightful for them to know they are the ones who have the power to help you but refuse that)... I know I can't really expect help from them, I've tried but there is absolutely no way to be helped. THEY DON'T WANT TO HELP ME, even just provinding me some old pictures of their newts...
So, I wondered if some newt maniac from there could help me... I have the 4 or 5 books available in english about newts and salamanders, and a lot of scientifical papers. But I will need
- a lot of PICTURES of newts and tanks (as for example, the different variety of C. pyrrhogaster, different color patterns in C. orientalis, larvae, etc...) These pictures must absolutely be in a very high quality.
- some MAPS and SCHEMAS I can reproduce for illustrate the book.
I will also need an expert to answer to a lot of QUESTIONS about newt keeping.
Maybe somebody can help me provinding me a lot of "newts stuffs". Your name(s) and the enormous value of your contribution will be of course mentionned in the book and the pictures will be paid.
Thank you very much for your attention and maybe for your help.
Marie-Sophie GERMAIN
(PS : no need to discuss about "why write only about C. pyrrhogaster and orientalis", it's a command of my editor and I can't change anything... No time to talk about others newts for now !)
I'm Marie-Sophie GERMAIN, a french scientific journalist and writer specialized in exotic pets, reptiles and amphibians.
My editor (De Vecchi / Albin Michel, one of the biggest in France about animals) had ordered to me (YESTERDAY) to write a book about C. Pyrrhogaster and C. Orientalis... for the 15 of January...! 120 pages ! It's a book in the style of the Barron's book of F. Inviglio.
Well I'm used to work hard and urgently, but as you can imagine, that's a big big challenge, since I have to compile so much informations about these 2 species + write the book + send a photograph for pictures + order some drawings to illustrators... IN ONE MONTH ONLY...
As probably know, French people are very arrogant, especially breeders and/or biologists, who don't want to share informations about their knowledge (they think they are Gods and it's delightful for them to know they are the ones who have the power to help you but refuse that)... I know I can't really expect help from them, I've tried but there is absolutely no way to be helped. THEY DON'T WANT TO HELP ME, even just provinding me some old pictures of their newts...
So, I wondered if some newt maniac from there could help me... I have the 4 or 5 books available in english about newts and salamanders, and a lot of scientifical papers. But I will need
- a lot of PICTURES of newts and tanks (as for example, the different variety of C. pyrrhogaster, different color patterns in C. orientalis, larvae, etc...) These pictures must absolutely be in a very high quality.
- some MAPS and SCHEMAS I can reproduce for illustrate the book.
I will also need an expert to answer to a lot of QUESTIONS about newt keeping.
Maybe somebody can help me provinding me a lot of "newts stuffs". Your name(s) and the enormous value of your contribution will be of course mentionned in the book and the pictures will be paid.
Thank you very much for your attention and maybe for your help.
Marie-Sophie GERMAIN
(PS : no need to discuss about "why write only about C. pyrrhogaster and orientalis", it's a command of my editor and I can't change anything... No time to talk about others newts for now !)