New member
Hi there, I'm Carrie, a new axolotl owner and member of the forum. Thanks for taking the time to check my post!
My moma always taught me that having a pet is a big responsibility and you have to do everything in your power to make sure they're happy so I've tried to do my axolotl research as throughly as possible. However, I'm not very familiar with amphibians and am finding it a little tricky to gauge their behavior, mainly over feeding. I've got fat happy cats but naturally axolotl's do not behave in the same way as a mammal at all! I'd be super grateful for any advice you could give me
I have two gorgeous axies, one dark speckled one (Moctomzuma) and a leucistic (Xenophon). At first Moxie was the larger one at around two inches and Xenie was just a touch smaller. Xenie's appetite has proved to be voracious, I swear he would spend all day hoovering up snacks if I let him! Moxie is a much more reluctant feeder and doesn't seem to have grown as quickly though they are both roughly three and a half inches now, a month after I brought them. I feed them bloodworms and little slivers of lambs heart or liver, blanched in boiling water. I've been feeding by hand using a pair of tweezers to try and avoid any excess food spoiling the water quality. Xenie is an expert at taking food from the tweezers but Moxie seems much less sure of himself. He will eagerly snap up one piece but then won't take another. If I then leave it twenty minutes or so he can be persuaded to have another one. At the moment he's eating about eight tiny slivers of meat and a couple of bloodworms a day where as Xenie is having maybe five pieces of meat and at least half a cube of bloodworm daily. They both seem to have days when they eat less than usual which really worried me at first but I understand that's quite normal behaviour? Basically I'm concerned that Moxie isn't eating enough, can anyone advise me how to gauge how much food they need? Moxie is plump and bright eyed and I am offering him food every half hour or so to try and make sure he gets enough. Am I over feeding Xenie? Moxie is certainly slenderer than Xenie but then I am starting to suspect that Xenie is a greedy little 'fella
Thanks again for your time and any advice you can offer!
My moma always taught me that having a pet is a big responsibility and you have to do everything in your power to make sure they're happy so I've tried to do my axolotl research as throughly as possible. However, I'm not very familiar with amphibians and am finding it a little tricky to gauge their behavior, mainly over feeding. I've got fat happy cats but naturally axolotl's do not behave in the same way as a mammal at all! I'd be super grateful for any advice you could give me
I have two gorgeous axies, one dark speckled one (Moctomzuma) and a leucistic (Xenophon). At first Moxie was the larger one at around two inches and Xenie was just a touch smaller. Xenie's appetite has proved to be voracious, I swear he would spend all day hoovering up snacks if I let him! Moxie is a much more reluctant feeder and doesn't seem to have grown as quickly though they are both roughly three and a half inches now, a month after I brought them. I feed them bloodworms and little slivers of lambs heart or liver, blanched in boiling water. I've been feeding by hand using a pair of tweezers to try and avoid any excess food spoiling the water quality. Xenie is an expert at taking food from the tweezers but Moxie seems much less sure of himself. He will eagerly snap up one piece but then won't take another. If I then leave it twenty minutes or so he can be persuaded to have another one. At the moment he's eating about eight tiny slivers of meat and a couple of bloodworms a day where as Xenie is having maybe five pieces of meat and at least half a cube of bloodworm daily. They both seem to have days when they eat less than usual which really worried me at first but I understand that's quite normal behaviour? Basically I'm concerned that Moxie isn't eating enough, can anyone advise me how to gauge how much food they need? Moxie is plump and bright eyed and I am offering him food every half hour or so to try and make sure he gets enough. Am I over feeding Xenie? Moxie is certainly slenderer than Xenie but then I am starting to suspect that Xenie is a greedy little 'fella
Thanks again for your time and any advice you can offer!