New 60 gal FBN heaven


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Feb 20, 2012
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LA LA Land
United States
So after reading a bit more on here I decided to go full aquatic on my new tank, setup a few smaller for the larvae, and move them over once their big enough. I set it up with dark flourite under black sand, heavily planted, whole bunch of driftwood, and the medium sized foam filter. Have a new co2 rig on its way for the plants, and I found a guy on craigslist that sold me 10 T12 lifeglo bulbs for $30!!! So now's she's lit up as well! I took some pics on my cell but you can't see everything as well as I had hoped. Once I get some time Ill take some real pics and post them up. Current stock is 7 (assuming WC) FBN, 13 zebra danios, 2 juvie paradisefish, and 4 brig snails. Dont mind the foam filter in the front right, thats only there to help the new tank get started.


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It's a really pretty tank! However, I know you're going to get some advice about keeping FBN with tropical fish (and dwarf frogs?) ;) What's your water temperature? If your newts are still larvae, I doubt they are wild caught.

I also notice you have a few non-aquatic plants tucked in there - probably sold to you as aquatics by the pet store.
Thanks for the reply! I desperately try to keep my temps at 67-68, but being in SoCal, it tends to be more around 70-72. I installed a window A/C unit yesterday, and it has dropped down to 68, hoping it stays there! The adult FBNs are the ones I think are WC, I got them at my LFS, where he was keeping them at 80 degrees!! The lavrae are CB by me so far haha As for the plants which are nonaquatic that youre are seeing? Last thing I want is rotting terrestrial plants in my tank. Is it the one with the white patches in the semi FG? Everything else has been living in my 40 gallon for 3 months, but I just got that one because I was intrigued, have no idea what it is to be honest, just thought it would look good in the tank. And yes they were all sold as aquatic haha Thanks again!
It's a really pretty tank! However, I know you're going to get some advice about keeping FBN with tropical fish (and dwarf frogs?) ;) What's your water temperature?

Arent zebra danios and paradisefish on the lower end of the spectrum of tropical fish? I kept my danios in a non-heated tank with my newts, and as far as I know there weren't any troubles with them.

Nice tank though :) I love the look of black sand in a planted tank. The contrast between black and vibrant green is striking.
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methodik: I know :( it still needs alot of time to grow in. the wisteria was originally 2 large plants, so I divided them into 8 smaller plants, hopefully theyll fill out this week. Then once the CO2 gets in should get nice and thick :D
Thanks guys! Ive had the Danios and paradisefish for about 8 months now, always at around 70. They've been great! Danios have laid eggs(then ate them:( ) 3 times already. Im going to remove that aluminium plant after work today! thanks for the heads up. As for the fern, are they like nana where the root system will rot? thanks again guys!
I like this tank! My personal opinion is that it does require more plants to help the FBN catch air.
Thanks! What would you guys suggest to fill her up? I'm still new to the newts, I'm pretty familiar with fish and planting for them, but still pretty new to the newts, so Im open to anything. I am at 3 1/3 WPG with 5 T12 lights. Two are 4800 and 3 are 6700K. Like I said so far I have anubis nana, anacharis, crypts, hygrophila corymbosa, wisteria, lotuses, riccia, and spiralis. TIA
Also, I looked up the aluminum plant, its literally #1 on a list of the worst plants sold as aquatic haha Needless to say, it will be coming out in about an hr when I get home.
Sorry to jump on here but I've kept paradise fish, they are fine at lower temps but can be very very aggressive, also wouldn't minnows be better as their from a colder region?
I agree, the paradise will get aggressive in a few months when they get older, but I will be looking out for that. Ill probably move them to their own tank if they get out of hand. As for the minnows, you're right they would definitely do better in lower temps, but they tend to be almost neurotic in their schooling habits. I just assumed that would stress out the newts too much. That's basically the main reason I didnt go with minnows or hatchets. But you're 100% correct, they are much colder water fish.
Picture update time. Everything has grown in quite a bit, and I have added a decent amount of plants to the left side. I added floating Frogbit that have grown into the Riccia, and made a floating mat on the right side that the newts basically have sole ownership of.

Does anyone else have an issue with foggy water on a heavily planted cold water tank? I use the same dosing regimen on all of my tanks, however the two cold water tanks are consistently foggy. It doesnt seem to be an algae bloom. I test weekly, expecting to see a nutrient imbalance, or anything to give me a hint as to whats going on, but my number are always right on. I have purchased new test kits assuming that the old ones were expired, but I am getting the same results. If anyone's having similar issues Id love to hear how you are handling it.


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Cool! Love the last picture, what plant is that floating on top of the water with the newt peaking out? Riccia?

As far as the cloudy water, It seems strange that you are getting good parameters. My guess is the driftwood is causing this. My milaysian driftwood makes my water yellowish and it seems kinda cloudy but not as bad as yours. But mine is a 10 gallon lol. I might try removing the driftwood and see if that helps after a few water changes. Also I am not sure what filter you are running with this tank but it may not be filtering the water enough. Some Carbon might help also. Just my 2 cents :p

Anyway, the tank looks awesome.
I love your tank and I'm sure they are quite happy. I do have a few questions for you. How long did it take for the sand to settle? How long did it take for the driftwood to be in tank before the water stopped changing colors or did it at all. Finally, what type plants did you use in the tank.
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