New 55 gallon verrucosus tank



OK.. here are 2 shots of my 2 tv's new is a 55 gallon tank with a screen top.the thing seems huge and i've left the bottom glass.there is some pothos,duckweed and elodea in the tank.i've out fake plants along the back glass.the three concrete bricks are hollow and serve as a platform and a planter.i found them while looking for the flat river rocks in the tank. there is a fluval 3 plus filter that i've rigged to a hose and it makes a little falls in the left corner near the "land" .I just put the newts in today and they seem pretty happy,althought the tank has had its challenges!





(Message edited by jennewt on February 15, 2007)
Thats a great T.Verrucosus tank....i'll not be surprised if you get eggs soon!

From your lips to Gods ears! They are doing the dance big time as I type this. I'm crossing my fingers.

Great sign Gord, i've had animals breed before when they've been put into such a large tank like yours.
I'll cross my fingers for you!
Good luck
Hey Gord, nice tank! What are those large leafy (tree-like) plants in the back that break the water surface? Are they live plants as well? they are very cool.
al: those are artificial plants.they stick on the glass with a suction cup.they are soft and pretty realistic. i've got them in all my tanks. i like how they break up the background.

I think I saw those in herp dealers. They are very realistic. thanks for sharing! Good luck with those verrucous.
Hey Gord, your tank does look very nice - I have a large tank I want to set up like that soon. But I was concerned about the concrete bricks. I thought they could change the pH of the tank to an undesirable level. Any one else know for sure? But all in all, a very pretty set up

Thanks for the nice comments. The PH is ok so far, but maybe someone knows something else? I'd never considered that as a potential problem!

Should be ok. You have to be careful with sedimentry type objects in your tanks though affecting pH and GH, KH... general hardness type stuff.

Limestone is of main concern because it is continually pushing your pH up and is impossible to fight, no matter how many water changes you do. It's good to check up on it so often, but if a material was going to affect your pH - you would have already noticed in your testing.
I checked my ph yesterday and it seemed way I took the concrete bricks out.May have been a knee jerk but...I replaced them with old fashioned bricks just in case. Also took out the grapewood log as it was still mouldy and the water was starting to smell yet again.

As I did this,I discovered eggs!

So the new digs were conducive to newt love.

Fingers are now crossed.

hey good job on this tank, i just wanna know the name of that like wiery plant, that the newt is balanced on, and if they are floating. I dnt have any substrate and i see u dnt have any either, so the name please, and i have an axolotl, i hope there compatible
Absolutely beautiful, I wish I had a 55gal
oh the things I could do.
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