New 3ft tank - exciting . what to do!


New member
Feb 12, 2011
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I got myself a 3ft tank for my axie , and will also eventually get a black and wihite soon ... its great being able to have a big tank and i dont know what i should put in there , obviously i am going to put sand at the bottom ... does black sand look good? and also plants, am i better puutting fake or real ? my little guy at the moment doesnt eat them at all. if you could give me some what ideas of what i can put into the tank it would be great!

Ive also got about 7 fish to cycle the tank (which came with the tank but i will get rid of once cycled) . would it cycle quicker having these 7 fish in there?
I mean 7 fish would provide a constant ammonia source, but I prefer to fishless cycle to avoid putting them through the cycling process. I think the sand color's a preference. I've had black sand before, and it looked fine to me, but I didn't feel like paying for more colored sand when a bag of playsand was so cheap. I'd recommend real plants because theres plenty of lowlight plants that can grow in an axie tank, and real plants look better and help with the water parameters. Water wisteria, cabomba, and java moss should grow pretty well. I got some guppy grass in my ten gallon quarentine for cherry shrimp that I'm keeping pretty cold, and it's growing surprisingly fast as well.
Not sure how big your other tank is but when I swapped my guys from a 3ft to a 4ft I syphoned over 50% off the water out to put in the new tank plus used all the old filter media & moved ornaments & plants over and the tank was more or less cycled straight away then as was no different to doing a big water change.

I also have a mix of real and fake plants, I find the fake ones (if you choose carefully look as good as real) are easier for the axies to climb and sit on which they enjoy but also the real ones are also beneficial to the tank and pleasing to the eye.
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