Needing info on pacmans


New member
Sep 14, 2013
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United States
I am looking into purchasing a paceman, i'm so far most familiar with Mikes Phat Frogs, but wanted to explore my options a bit. Definitely interested in the blues...

Also i am wanting to start breeding them, I was wondering if any one has any advise and/or can walk me through what its like, difficulties or easiness of the process. I'm most familiar with axolotls not frogs lol..

if there are any good forums or websites for basic info, genetics/morphs/colors/how to breed.

Thank you
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Happy Holidays,
They're pretty easy to care for, plenty of good caresheets out there. Breeding on the other hand can be a bit tricky. They need a period of being kept slightly colder and drier, I belive, for about 2 months/8 weeks then they have to be put in a rain chamber with more makes than females. Probably a ratio of at least 2:1 male:female. Rearing tadpoles is quite labour intensive, but this will vary by the amount of tadpoles you choose to raise. You can raise them in large tanks in groups but they have cannabilistic tendencies so you may end up with one tadpole eating all the others, but visual barriers like pondweed will help this. Or, you can raise them in individual cups or small containers which, although labour intensive, gives high yields of young frogs. These would need cleaned out daily or twice daily because they are such small volumes of water and the quality will go bad quickly. Once the froglets have absorbed their tails they will eat readily and grow quickly. You would have no problems selling these as they are extremely popular, if you contact wholesalers they will quite happily take large numbers but at a slightly lower price.
Hope some of this helps,

Thank you Stuart, I appreciate this so so much! seems hard to find much info out there or anyone to help as compared to the axolotl community. Have you raised them before? What all would i need for a rain chamber? Do you mind if i keep you as a friend incase i have questions not covered in your links?

P.S Happy Holidays
Thank you Stuart, I appreciate this so so much! seems hard to find much info out there or anyone to help as compared to the axolotl community. Have you raised them before? What all would i need for a rain chamber? Do you mind if i keep you as a friend incase i have questions not covered in your links?

P.S Happy Holidays

I have never kept these species, but about six months ago I did an unbelievable amount of research on these frogs because I was considering setting up a little breeding group - never got round to it though, maybe a project for 2016. Another thing, when selecting adults for breeding avoid hybrids (fantasy horned/pacman frogs) as they are infertile. For a rain chamber you will need fish tanks, small for selective breeding of specific pairs/colour morphs or large for breeding bigger groups where you are not too fussed which male breeds with wich female. Also, as with a lot of frogs, you should always have more than one male because they may not breed if they have no competition. Feel free to add me as a friend!

yeah it is a little tricky, i have 2 green males and a female high red ornate, males call like crazy. i put them in rain chamber once and they did amplex but female wasnt mature yet. this was 4 months ago she is definatly mature now. probably put in chamber next week ill let you know how it goes. i might even be willing to sell the trio or trade if your interested
i might be interested, looking for colors more atm as i'd probably keep for pets if they didn't work out, but are males even more vocal without a female around?

Would be very interested to see how it turns out for you, do you like your frogs?
Any advise keeping them as pets?
they are all in separate tanks but right next to each other, ill go to youtube and play the call of the male and both of my maless start calling right away. as far as pets they are great, pretty easy to care for.males dont get that big like the females, i also have dart frogs, african bullfrog, colorado river toad, surinam giant marine toad, milf frogs, bumble bee toads, western green toads and couchs spadefoot toads. i also have eastern tiger salamander, and barred tigers, kaiser newts and spanish ribbed newts too.
Thats really funny about your males, You have so many critters, how do you do it? :) Though i would love to have things like that, one day maybe...

Can someone tell me the difference between a sun kissed or sunburst?, apricot, and strawberry or strawberry pineapple? I'm wanting one that is more pink than orange or red, i think there are also crosses of those, but there are too many colors for me to keep track of..
I honestly can't. But, personally I would go for the green coloured ones, or at least not the albinos because I think the albino ones are really ugly to be honest. But it's completely up to you! Be careful what colours you breed together as it is not like reptile genetics and certain colours bred together could result in some funny coloured frogs! Although there are a lot of people interested in frogs on this sight, might I suggest asking questions on frogforum? I am by no means trying to discourage you from using I just think You will get more in depth answers on there. (I too am a member on there so can still answer questions you have). Good luck, and happy holidays,
LOL that is too funny, I have made a profile for frog forum, i will definitely continue my questions there ( i agree with what you said), I super appreciate both your guys' help! See you on Frog Forum :)
Happy holidays to you too!
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