ok, here is a pic of one of my more than robust females, they are huge!! but none are laying, the males dont take notice of them either-the only female being courted is not big like these-they are currently aquatic (with some platforms), the water depth is about 7 inches,heavily planted with java fern (which they have laid on before) the water temp is 78 F.
what can i do to get these to lay?? should i remove them onto land for a while? raise the water temp or level? i have 2 males even to fight over the females-yet they take no notice-they have been this large for about 2 months-they should lay by now right??? help!!
what can i do to get these to lay?? should i remove them onto land for a while? raise the water temp or level? i have 2 males even to fight over the females-yet they take no notice-they have been this large for about 2 months-they should lay by now right??? help!!