Need suggestions for floating plants

Herpin Man

Active member
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Red Wing, MN
United States
I need suggestions for floating plants to put in my paludarium.
The paludarium is 4' x 8' x 6' tall. The lighting is 3' or so above the surface of the water, and appears to be sufficient for the terrestrial plants. However, I have tried water hyacinth and water lettuce, and I can't keep them alive, presumably due to the distance from the light.
I have a large water surface area that I would like to cover with floating plants.
Any ideas?
Hi Herpin Man, the two plants you've tried unsuccessfully are large and best used in pools and ponds under natural high intensity light and both are tender and killed by frosts if you do keep them outside.
I have success with salvinia. It looks good, grows quickly, easily controlled, its dangly roots provide shelter for young larvae and because of its rapid growth it'll mop those nitrates up. Oh, and it's tolerant of the lighting quality of an enclosure.
If it can thrive under fluorescent lighting, it might be exactly what I'm looking for- thanks.
I have ruled out frogbit, because (from what I've read) the upper surface of the leaves must stay dry, and I mist this enclosure.
I am trying to get some pothos started in water, but not much seems to be happening, other than the leaves turning yellow.
Although I am reasonably capable at keeping amphibians and reptiles alive, I don't seem to have the same success with plants.
You can always try duckweed, but once you get this in your enclosure it's almost impossible to get it out without completely cleaning it.
You could float 'oak leaf' water sprite (ceratopteris cornuta). It's leaves tend to be broader than the more common type of water sprite (ceratopteris thalictroides). Do quite well floating, sprending out and multiplying. And it's usually available on Ebay.
Salvinia works well (the small kind). I really like "Greater Duckweed". It's easier to control than ordinary duckweed (nightmare!!). The species is "Spirodela polyrhiza". I got some from Ebay a few months ago after not having it for a few years.
Most of my pond-type habitats for newts have Brazilian Pennywort in them. It's a floating bog-type plant that doesn't require strong light or ferts/CO2. The original plant I ordered years ago is now split up in several tanks. It's attractive, and newts like loafing among the leaves.
You could float 'oak leaf' water sprite (ceratopteris cornuta). It's leaves tend to be broader than the more common type of water sprite (ceratopteris thalictroides). Do quite well floating, sprending out and multiplying. And it's usually available on Ebay.

I'll second this! I'm a longtime fan of Ceratopteris. I currently use both species mentioned.
I got some water sprite a few weeks ago. The guy at the fish store told me it would double in about a month. Instead, it is turning brown and shriveling up.
Although the lights are about 3' above the surface, all of my terrestrial plants are thriving.
I have not yet found Brazilian pennywort locally.
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