Question: Need help with Axolotls


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Dec 12, 2012
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South Yorkshire
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I'm new to looking after Axolotls so any info would be grateful, i have read the book keeping axolotls, and looked about online, but i'm still new to this as we got Axle on the 28th November 2012, and at the moment where saving up for a bigger tank and everything (as the the aquarium person didn't fully give me the run down about axolotls as i had no idea at the time plus he said it was ok to have them with goldfish (they are still alive but they have had their tails bit a few times) and he said that a 35L x 35W x 40H (cm) tank (i think these are the right sizes) would be good enough for it, but i have read that the minimum needs to be 2 to 3ft
here is a list on what i have looked at and thinking of getting for him/her and i was wondering if these should be ok with a axolotls

AquaEl Aludekor 100 Aquarium and Wenge Cabinet, Aquarium dimensions: 100L x 40W x 50H (cm) 200ltr
Swell Vallisneria asiatica aquarium plant, X 6
Aqua Medic Volcanit Gravel With Ferrolit Iron Fertilizer 7kg, <--- not sure on if this is suitable or not
Betta Algae Magnet Medium,
Aquarium Systems Power Gravel Cleaner 2000,
JBL Cocos Cava,
Eheim ECCO Pro 200 - 2034,
API Stress Coat 1.9ltr,

its all off Pond Pumps, Pond Liners & Pond Filters | Aquarium & Pond Supplies

also im not sure on what to feed him/her as i was told he would be fine on just bloodworm alone which dose not sound right to me

The goldfish should honestly be removed, as they can nip at the axolotls gills, and if they are eaten, they will stunt your axolotls growth. The gravel should be replaced with sand, or nothing at all. Gravel poses an impaction risk. Earthworms are the best staple diet and can be fed to them indefinitely. Everything else seems to be okay, but I have no idea what the JBL Cocos Cava is. Hopefully this helps. Welcome to the addiction. :D
thanks JBL Cocos Cava | Aquarium Supplies us the cave thingy,
at the min i dont have anywhere to put the goldfish but they seem to leave him/her alone and axle leaves them alone, as they are bigger than it, (for now as s/he is not even the size of my hand at the min) i took the gravel out when i read it could hurt it but i have also read that sand can clog its stomach and that 4mm - 6.5mm pea gravel is the best to use but i cant find it anywhere so may end up leaving the bottom bare (when i get the tank as its gonna cost £505 so we have to save up for it)
Coconut shells aren't suitable for full aquatic use. You're better off finding things suited for aquariums.

Gravel is deadly for axolotls, especially at that size. Do NOT put that gravel into your tank. You're best off going with a fine sand (which will generally not cause impaction, as it's easily passed through the digestive tract, unlike gravel, which gets stuck), or no substrate at all.

If you have nowhere else to put the goldfish, you should take the axolotls out of the tank and put them in another container. A large tupperware with a lid will suffice until you get a new tank set up.
i rang the company and the coconut shell is just a look alike and is safe for any tank
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