in Germany Notaphthalmus viridescens isn´t easy to hold and get to reproduction.
They were often imported in the 80´s and 90´s, but we don´t have success in reproduction.
Now i´m searching for the reasons.
It begins with the bad constitution they arrive. Most of them die very fast. Some don´t want the food, some adults don´t want to stay in the water, they get smaller and die.
There are nearly no German- reproduced individuals.
What can be the reasons?
Can it be parasites?
Do they come from special Farms with special food and they can´t use normal food?
Or can it be the chemical Type of Water?
What types of parasites are often known?
Are there special Farms?
What´s the chemical type of water in there home habitats?
Do you have other ideas?
Thanks Olli
in Germany Notaphthalmus viridescens isn´t easy to hold and get to reproduction.
They were often imported in the 80´s and 90´s, but we don´t have success in reproduction.
Now i´m searching for the reasons.
It begins with the bad constitution they arrive. Most of them die very fast. Some don´t want the food, some adults don´t want to stay in the water, they get smaller and die.
There are nearly no German- reproduced individuals.
What can be the reasons?
Can it be parasites?
Do they come from special Farms with special food and they can´t use normal food?
Or can it be the chemical Type of Water?
What types of parasites are often known?
Are there special Farms?
What´s the chemical type of water in there home habitats?
Do you have other ideas?
Thanks Olli