i have had these guys for over 2 years now and they have never once taken to water..and with out that breeding is just a pipe dream.
i only have two-but i am pretty sure they are of opposite sex. one has a bright red stripe down the back the other has a more muted blood red stripe. i am pretty sure the bright red stripe is the female cause it is bigger and eats more! they both look like little green sausages with legs. they eat very hardily and are in a tank with lots of moss and access to water with depths up to 10 inches (they are in a seepage set up).
i just dont get why they have never taken to water-i mean they are of breeding age (i got them as advanced morphs 2 1/2 years ago)so what can i do to make them randy? they now -in the past month-are getting to where the tank will get down to 50 degrees-but the light is not on a timer-its on the whole time(this never stopped my alpines or smoothies from breeding).
are they particular or just pecular?
should i move them to a tank with only a floating platform?
i need tips from those that have been successfull with these-especially if you have had subborn ones like them and gotten results.
i only have two-but i am pretty sure they are of opposite sex. one has a bright red stripe down the back the other has a more muted blood red stripe. i am pretty sure the bright red stripe is the female cause it is bigger and eats more! they both look like little green sausages with legs. they eat very hardily and are in a tank with lots of moss and access to water with depths up to 10 inches (they are in a seepage set up).
i just dont get why they have never taken to water-i mean they are of breeding age (i got them as advanced morphs 2 1/2 years ago)so what can i do to make them randy? they now -in the past month-are getting to where the tank will get down to 50 degrees-but the light is not on a timer-its on the whole time(this never stopped my alpines or smoothies from breeding).
are they particular or just pecular?
should i move them to a tank with only a floating platform?
i need tips from those that have been successfull with these-especially if you have had subborn ones like them and gotten results.