Need axolotl help


New member
Jul 14, 2023
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9 Avon Buildings
United Kingdom
My axolotl sprite is roughly 2 years old and has been doing fine up until recently, ever since I added an air stone in her tank she has been swimming around frantically rather than what she normally does which is sitting in one of her hides. Even when I removed the air stone she is still swimming around and I don’t know what to do. I have tested the water multiple times and everything seems fine. Is this normal or should I do something about it?
if she wasn't used to the water disturbance it will cause her to freak out a bit until she is used to it also the additional oxygen will make her more lively (bit like moving from a mountain into a valley she will receive more oxygen than she is used to)
if she wasn't used to the water disturbance it will cause her to freak out a bit until she is used to it also the additional oxygen will make her more lively (bit like moving from a mountain into a valley she will receive more oxygen than she is used to)
I recently added an air stone to my tank and it has caused a bit of a commotion as well. Tank went from basically stagnant to buzzing and bubbling I can image it’s a bit of a shock to the axolotl. As long as your water parameters are good I would second the advice and give it time to adjust.
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1